A/N: Hey All! I'm new here and this is my very first post in my blog. Please please please review!


Irene glances up at her boyfriend, Alex Heather, which is hold her little left hand in his warm right one, and drives this car. Their 5th date, O-Project Cinema.

There’s something wedging her heart, since last week, since she hung out with her pals; Abby and Delmy, at Wal-Mart for some girls shopping. She met a dude, his name was James.

And the truth, she never loves Alex at all. Alex’s no more than a friend at her point of view.


Wal-Mart, last Friday

Irene was checked up some fashion articles and her friends did the same. She rose up a pair of slim black cotton slacks from a hanger.

“Delmy, do you think these things good on me?” she asked.

Delmy lift up an eyebrow “Yeah, if those were jeans”

“No way, white ones with a red blouse, and black Mary Janes would be great” Ab said, with a few articles in her hands.

“Yeah, if you are going to the Daily Planet and see Clark Kent there” Delmy mocked, caused Abby rolled her eyes.

Irene smirked, and took a pair of striped flat shoes and those slacks. Then she walked to the shirt’s section. She looked up to some plain, pattern, and even unusual blouses.

Then it happened.

“Ow! Hey!” a girl’s voice, exclaimed. It was a girl who crashed her, with a few things in her little hands.

No, ‘a few’ was an understatement. There are a lot of shopping bags she brought; about 3, and there was a gorgeous older boy stood behind her, with some shopping bags in his hands. He stared at Irene, and she stared right back. Her heart beaten fast.



She gets up from her daydreaming, realizing that they’re only a few miles away from the cinema.

“Honey? Are you alright?” Alex patted her shoulder gently.  “Are you sick?”

“No Al, I’m just… think about some physic homework I got”

She lied. All in her mind was James, James, and James.

“Relax, darling. We’ll watch movie tonight, it’s Friday, let you hair down”

He chuckled, step on the brake as his car’s move to the red traffic light, and bend aside to kiss her cheek. Irene isn’t blushing, she is not. She even doesn’t like it at all. She goes on to her daydream.


 “Careful, mistress!” that little girl shouted at Irene, caused Irene shuddered. She’s a teenage girl, probably 13 or 14 years old, with some acne on her face.

“Sorry” Irene said, tried to get up from the slippery floor. So unexpected, that gorgeous boy gave her a hand to help her up.

When they skin touched, the feeling of it was so hard to explain. His skin was so soft, and his grab was so gentle. As soon as she got up, that boy was smiled, a cute smile. Irene felt a heat creep her cheeks up.

She was clearly blushing.

“Are you alright?” that boy asked. Irene nodded.

Irene got blushed more, then that boy introduced himself. “I’m James” he moved his right hand to her.

“Irene” she shook his hand.

Delmy and Ab walked by; stood side-by-side of Irene. They looked at that boy, then to Irene. Their eyes widened as they realized what happened to her.

The little girl who was stood beside James nudged him.

“Oh, this is Alana, my sister”. Alana wide-smiled, showed her sparkling braced teeth.

Irene tried to hide her disgust to her brace, while Delmy and Ab, watched Irene in worry. No way, Irene can’t do this, she can’t just in love with a guy while she had a boyfriend.

When Delmy was going to talk, Irene said to James, “How about some taco at Taco Bell?”

Both Delmy and Ab, got their jaw dropped to the ground as those words came out of Irene’s lips.


Although they were unsure about what thing was happen to their friend, Delmy and Ab, which was had a short introduction with James, can understood what was happened to her. Before the Irene and Alex became lovers,  they were friends, and then that relationship grew up more into love, but Irene never loved him, even for a bit.

They could handle their self, and let both James and Irene chat.

“I like your lips, they’re so pretty. How do you give them some right make up?” Alana asked, pointed at Abby’s glossy lips.

Ab raised an eyebrow, and smiled toward that little girl. “Thin lips demand some glossy things. Pick up a natural pink lipstick and brush on them in a thin layer, and give some lip gloss on it”

Delmy nudged her. “She has thick lips; she’ll need the matte one”

“What if we show you some basic makeup you need to know?” Delmy asked grabbed Alana’s full-of-bracelet-wrist.

“Awesome! I’m positive!” the little girl exclaimed.

Irene turned; saw Ab winked at her before they left James, Irene, and her shopping bags at Mall’s Food Court’s Taco Bell to the makeup section.

Irene understood what it meant.

James chuckled, bit down his cheesy taco. “Alana found out herself got puberty last week, and she was so excited. She wanted to call my other sister, Kayla, who is older than her, to go shopping with her. But she was being so busy with her college and career, so she took me to shop here”

Both of them giggled. “Girls, she wanted to look good at school, for sure” Irene said.

“Yeah, she is. I’ve told her that I’m not a good dude in shopping, makeup, or getting boys, but she forced me”

“You should call Kayla” Irene said, sipped at her coke.

Suddenly, they chatted just like a couple of old pal; instead they just met 15 minute ago. James is 16, just a year above her. He’s a school journalist. That’s unusual, Irene used to meet some cool guys who were being basketball team captain, soccer team striker, band’s guitarist, or skater.

But James’ like no other.

“What about Enrique Iglesias?”

“Pretty good, I love his songs, but I’m not a fan” Irene answered, after took another sip of her beverage.

“I prefer Cassidy Haley and Adam Lambert. People think they’re no more than gay dweebs, but I think they should take back their words” James giggled, bite the last of his taco.

“Really? I love Adam Lambert and Cass Haley! Their music and fashion are so uh-mazing!” Irene exclaimed.

James’ lips formed a sweet smile, and right at that time, Ab, Delmy, and Alana came back, with some makeup shopping bag. Not so many, just two bags.

“What did you girls got?” James asked; sip the last of his coke.

“Some lipstick, lipgloss, foundation, two-way-cake, eyeliner, mascara, and hair glitter!” Alana said in bliss.

“Hair what?” Irene wrinkled her nose.

“Hair glitter” Delmy replied. “Some sparkles you can add on your head” Ab mocked.

“Whatever” Irene exhaled.

James chuckled, suddenly his phone rang. A text message. He read a message on the screen, and his eyes widened.

“Oh no! I forgot that I’ll have a biology project to do tomorrow!” James said in a bit panic. “Alana, we must go home now”

Alana’s eyebrows furrowed in disappointment.

“Oh, Irene? I’ll give you my number if need something from me” James said, ripped a bill from one of Alana’s shopping bag, pulled out a pen from his jeans’ pocket, and wrote something on that bill’s blank side.

Meanwhile Irene’s eyes widened, but her friends gave her a teasing look. Irene snorted.

“Here, please keep it” James gave her that paper. A line of number written on it.

“Thanks for the lesson! See ya!” Alana waved to Delmy and Ab from her back, while James brought all her huge shopping bags.


“Dear, we are here” Alex said, loosen his seatbelt. Irene’s head feels a bit hurt, after a long daydream fuzz her vision. She sighs heavily, and opens the car’s door, so as Alex.

“Alex, can I say something to you?” Irene said, as they walk by to the cinema.

Alex wraps his arm around Irene’s shoulder. “Anything, hun”

“I met someone, he’s nice, and… he’s way much better than you”. Irene sighed hard. “And the fact is I never love you”

Alex’s eyes get widened. “What?”

“We better just become friends” Irene said; move to let off Alex’s arm, and walks away.

After a few meters walking, she pulls out her phone, pressing some familiar numbers and moves it up to her ear.

“Hello?” James’ sleepy voice answered. It’s not an odd thing when a guy gets so sleepy at 9 PM, right? She smiled

“Hi James! It’s Irene! If you remember me?”

Just like got boosted up, James’ voice become clearer “Oh, hi Irene! What’s up?”

“Listen, can you help me now? I need a ride to go home and no Taxi here”

“Sure! Where are you now?”

Irene smiled. This is going to be a long-lasting relationship between them both

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  • I will :) Thanks
  • I used to use simple past, and yes, I know present perfect tense. I used to write my literatures in simple past, but I'll begin to use present perfect tense. Thanks for the link and comment!
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