'Coffee Mug.............My First Crush"

This is on the motivation of Luci's "Writing challenge: My cup of coffee

Coffee Mug -----My First Crush:

I had nothing to do at home, so I decided to re-set my closet.  I was emptying the closet and putting ‘saris’ and other clothes separately.  There I found a cardboard box on the upper shelf.  I remembered it was the box in which I used to keep my teenage mementos.  I got excited, grab the box and sat on my reading table forgetting all about setting of closet.  As I opened the box, there I saw  the ‘Coffee Mug’.  I stared at the mug for some moments, then I took it out and held in my shaking hands.  As I held the mug in my hand, he was there standing just before me appearing from thin air, as beautiful, as handsome and charming as I saw him last. 

He was a friend of my father and frequently visited us (my father).  I was in my teenage, a big age difference, but I always feel attracted to him.  I felt happiness when found him at home.  I never missed chance to serve him coffee in this very mug, though my father used to ask the house maid for this, but I always pushed her aside and made myself coffee for him, which I found that he liked it.  He never talked to me but just how I was doing, or how my study going on.  He used to smoke a lot. The ash tray got full of cigarettes butts when he left.

After he left I immediately went to the room and removed the coffee mug and the ashtray.  Then I made coffee for myself in the same mug, and sipped it from the same place where he used to drink.  I also put the cigarette butt on my lips posing as I was smoking cigarette the way he used to smoke. 

t that time I could not give the name to my emotions I was feeling about him.  I often thought why I was doing so,  why I used to imitate him, why I admired him so much, that most of the time he occupied my thoughts.

This was kept going on.  I realized quite later what it was.  I got frightened, how could I justified my crush on him because he was my dad’s friend, there was big difference of age.  But I couldn’t help it.  I was failing to get rid of those emotions I had been having for him. 

Then he stopped coming to see my father.  My father told me that he had migrated to Australia.  I got shocked as if in real my beloved whom I had made my idol, left me behind before I confess my love for him.

The memories were in fast tracking since I found the ‘coffee mug’  My eyes were damp, I was still in shock.  A bird flew by outside the window dragging me out of the memories of my first crush.  Tears were rolling down on my cheek.  I put my trembling lips on the very spot of the ‘Coffee Mug’ to which his lips used to touch.


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  • Thanks Shadow, for your nice comment.

  • A wonderful & interesting writing. Just awesone. You are really a great writer. Like to read your always. Thanks for sharing writing challenge about mug..
  • 'fragile yet strong' Wow  two extremes together.

    Thanks Nadira.  'do boeadain' ' do(2) durian. (hope you understand Urdu)

  • love is a  fragile yet  a strong  emotion

  • @Sara

     I appreciate your liking my story.  Thanks a lot!

  • I am just amazed by your writing :P

    And the most important thing is, your most of the stories are always about love and you knit them so well that makes me more eager to read till end.

    Your writing is very very nice :D

    Thank you so much for sharing !!!

  • Thanks Bet for liking my blog.  

  • I am happy Batu you like my writing.

  • @sewar
    I am overwhelm to have your such enthusiastic comment. This is a real encouragement for me.
    Thanks a lot!!

  • Thanks Shoba for your liking and posting comment.

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