Chatter Award Winners September 2012

After we have been monitoring the main room, collecting screenshots, and discussing about the results with one another, we decided to choose the winners for chatter awards for September 2012. We glad to see that we have great chatters this year and actually we nominated many members, but unfortunately we only can choose two winners for each category.

So, don’t be disappointed if you don’t see members who you suggested or you think deserve to be the winners. They might will be the winners for next month award. Sadly, there are two awards that are empty. We still can’t find members who fit to our criterias for the two awards.

On this blog, we also want to say thank to these members for their dedication to chat in the main room, to be helpful members and for their attempts to suggest topics in the main room. Keep doing it, guys !

1. The Most Helpful Members

First Winner: markteacher

Second Winner: Behnam

2. The successful moderated chat leader

No winner.

3. The funniest chatter

No winner.

4. Useful Topic Starter

First Winner: Darius

Second Winner: Mariam

Congratulation for the winners. We hope we will see more great members join the main room. See you for next month award announcements!

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  • @Sahar and Heaven

    Thanks. I hope these awards will encourage people to use chat room to learn English in fun but responsible way...

  • Congratulations all winners !!


    They all deserve it!

    I am so glad to hear it :)

    Thanks for preparing this interesting challenging, Ario and Heaven!

    It was great to have it in EC chat room!

  • Dear Behnam,

    You are winner , and you wining is conducive to my happiness.. Congratulation

    Good Luck

  • @Mitran

    Lol, you need to join the main room often, Mitran and you need to do that soon before other members take the award.

  • Congratulations dear winners 

    Hats of to you dear Ario you have done  a great  job in bringing in motivation to the chatters at the mains Congratulations to you too , for a job well done 

  • Teacher...

    I will be a "finniest chatter" kekeke...I want your award. Please....

    Nice blog.

    And Congratulation my friends !

  • @Behnam

    Congratulation and keep doing the positive things you do to help members here in the chat room :) And thank for the compliment for MyEC team.


    Don't be sad, Aws :P You could be the funniest chatter yourselves if you are willing. I won't be worry about the two empty awards, because I hope that next months we will have the nominators.

  • @Junco

    Yes, congrats for them :)

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