
This week we had a holiday here in Brazil called Carnival. It's a time when people go to parties to sing and dance all nights and days during five days. Each region in the country has a particular way to celebrate it. In Rio de Janeiro, for example, there's a big parade with samba schools, which spend all the year working hard and preparing everything to do a great job. As the parade is a competition among the schools, unfortunately only one wins and gets an excellent prize that (I imagine) is a great amount of money that they use to continue working for the next year.

The winner this time was Beija-flor de Nilópolis that honored Roberto Carlos, a very popular singer here in Brazil had as a king by many. It was a really beautiful party!

In the Northwest it's kind of different, but a celebration too. In large cities like Salvador, Pernambuco, Recife and others, crowds join Carnival following singers and bands among thousands of people in a long route around the city. They enjoy every little second they have there. 

How about in your country? Is there a holiday like this?

Hope to hear you!     


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  • Hi Ramona,

    Actually, I stayed at home, just watching all that party on TV.. =)

    But it was good too, because I needed some rest.

    Take care!

  • Thanks for your story:) Your carnival in Brazil it is a really stunning holiday, such colorful and bright, full of energy, joy and of course dance, dance, dance:)))))
  • Thanks, friends, for the comments! =)
  • That's true, Anele. Brazilian people always look happy and love parties! =)
  • Very nice dear Joyce! I think Brazil is very well-known for its Carnival. It must be very interesting! In my home country, Iran, we don't have any Carnivals and in Canada, I haven't seen any. Maybe it is but I'm not so sure.
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