No God, Please don't let it be Cancer!

CANCER - one of the deadliest diseases ever known to mankind ! Do you know, one in three people will be affected by cancer at some stage in their lives !

What is Cancer ?

"Cancer is not just one disease, but a large group of almost 100 diseases. Its two main characteristics are uncontrolled growth of the cells in the human body and the ability of these cells to migrate from the original site and spread to distant sites. If the spread is not controlled, cancer can result in death."


The major risk factors for cancer are:


2.alcohol, Do you know, that regular intake of different kinds of fruit and vegetables, significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. Also say bye bye to sedentary life style, and start exercising today, to prevent obesity !

4.infectious agents, history,





--------Top eight cancer signs pinpointed -------------

Do yo know that, researchers have highlighted, eight unexplained symptoms most closely linked to cancer. But beware, that there are more than 200 different types of cancer, which cause many different symptoms

Although this still represents a relatively low chance of anyone with the symptom having the disease, any suspicion of cancer can mean that the patient is sent for tests more quickly, in order to catch the disease as early as possible.

Eight signs of cancer

* Anaemia

* Blood in urine

* Coughing up blood

* Difficulty swallowing

* Breast lump or mass

* Post-menopausal bleeding

* Abnormal prostate test

* Rectal blood

So if you notice an unusual or persistent change in your body it's important to get it checked out. When cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, treatment is often more likely to be successful.

Wish you all, a happy and healthy life !

Thanks a lot for reading !
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  • Hello, Nida!

    I think God would be pleased to fulfill our desires, but it is very difficult! Even for God. After all, people are wrong very often! Of course, people also are not to blame - they act as they can! Therefore, in a world of many miseries and diseases! Nevertheless, you're right - let them all be healthy!

    This little story was shown in 60 film festivals and won 35 awards. This film is about how everything is connected in this world. The film's director - Jamin Winans, USA, 2005

    Take care!



  • Thank you Sir(Mr. Bob), Sandeep and Keira for your comments. I'm glad that you people liked it.

  • Very thoughtful blog about Cancer and diet. I'm actually a Vegetarian by birth, so I guess not to worry of this? 

    Let me show you a real life example!


    Gillian McKeith and Nigella Lawson

    Sometimes things are hereditary, what do you think? Thank you so much! ^.^

  • This was a very professional presentation.  Maybe someday you will practice medicine and save people from premature and unnecessary death :)

    I think that most people are so afraid of cancer that they try to avoid thinking about it.  I think the title may have made people nervous and afraid to read this blog.  What do you think would happen if you edited the post and only changed the title to something sensational like " No God, Please don't let it be Cancer".  Or maybe, "Please tell me I don't have cancer".

    A sensational title may get people curious so that they read this wonderful public service post. Who knows, it may even save someone's life if they recognize a symptom that they or a family member has.  The content is really great (even though the topic scares most people).  Think about it and if you edit the title message me.  I would like to see what difference a new title would make in readership.  This advice is based on marketing trends.

    The writing is beautiful but the message didn't get out to many people.  Let's experiment on repackaging this and use some marketing approaches. i think the message is too important to let it go unread.  i will even tell a few friends to check it out and maybe save a life of someone :)

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