British & American spelling

Hey EC friends,

I wanted to write a blog about British and American spelling, there are some differences, most are subtle.

Many words ending in 'our' in British English, are simplified to 'or' in American English, for example colour(British) becomes color(American).

Then there is 're' and 'er' at the ends of words, centre and center for example.

Sometimes it can be more complicated, like where 'ae' 'oe' and 'oeu' are found in British English, they are often replaced simply by 'e' 'o' or 'eu' in American English. Often 'se' is replaced with 'ze' too

Then the real fun begins... Sometimes where a word has a single L - 'l' in British English, it has a double L -'ll' in American English, however this also works the other way around!
Oh cruel world!! -_- *

There are more differences in the British vs American spelling, but I think it would be more fun if we all participate here. Leave a comment with a British & American comparison that you know!

No cheating!

But for those who would like more information, a full list can be found here:

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  • Interesting Isabella, However there are many accents in the US, and many accents in the UK.

  • the right way. Nice.

    Likewise, unless I am tryping from my phone, then you will notice that the spell check changes it all to US.

  • Welllllllllllllll  Dayne

    What can I say. I grew up with the upper-stiff lips of the British way of spelling. LOL. And realised that I can't change my old way.

  • Thanks for the comments, friends.


    haha- noaslpls, do you favour the British, or favor the American spelling?

  • yep, i'm always confused with the spellings too, like 'realise' and 'realize' and other words ending with ze/se. whenever i come across these kinds of words, i always spell check, just to be sure. :) 

    indeed, English is very difficult and confusing, especially when it comes to spelling. 

    thanks Dayne for sharing this. ^___^

  •    Hi my friend, really it is a lovely topic. Actully there is nothing comes in my mind, but thanks for the helpful site.

  • Favour - British

    Favor - American

    I guess both of them liked to UP against each other. LOL. But ended up making us the non-native English speakers/learners more confused than ever.

  • I think I need to clear my brain up, it is a mess~

    Thanks for your sharing!

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