Money is a ‘mean’ to an end. It is meant for use, but then only the right use of it leads to satisfaction, while the misuse of it leads to misery.  Money is not for hoarding, but for fulfilling the legitimate needs and requirements of the owner as well as to help others (poor and needy) to satisfy their due necessities. It would be considered unwise if it is squandered away in unnecessary trifles or harmful luxuries.

Money is occasionally condemned being root of evils.  It is said, that it is earned with difficulty, so as it is difficult to keep it, and above all when it parts away, it leaves the owner in great sorrow and depression.  This is an erroneous view.  In fact the efforts made in earning money by honest means strengthens the character. 

Earning money in honest ways is not bad.  It is right to say, ‘Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.’  Amass wealth by all right means, at the same time spend it in the right and proper way.  Neither the miser who starves himself, and makes piles of his wealth grow day by day, nor the spendthrift who wastes away in drink and gambling make the right use of his money. 

 One thing more be kept in mind that the accumulation of wealth, though desirable a lot, is not the ‘be-all and end-all’ of our existence.  Money is useful for satisfaction of the needs of our material existence, but man does not live by bread alone.

 Above all, we should be grateful in rich, and patient in poverty.

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  • Thanks Nadira for visiting, reading and comment.

  • hard earned money always adds value and being contented with what one is blessed too makes a soul rich ...

  • Thanks Anastasia for visiting and posting your appreciation.

  •          Nice and wise thoughts. Many thanks!

  • Thank Frank for posting your opinion.

    Money is the thing is wished to have by those who do not have, and more to have by those who already have!

  • Thanks Serene.  I appreciate your comment.

  • Thanks Setareh for your comprehensive explanation.

  • Thanks sewar for your comments, and appreciation.

  • Dear Mishaikh! Your tittle is excellent , the tittle itself express all the things you described here.

  • Dear Mishaikh, I dont know who said this unwise idea that money is the root of evil because lack of wealth can lead to evil even more; in my opinion money is sacred, especially the money that is earned honestly. We can enjoy having and spending and sharing it. Sometimes in order to get more money we are ready to do anything which is not worth it. I believe to have less money with tranquality is much better than more amount of money.

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