I have read articles about people who love getting attention by behaving inappropriately. Some may choose positive ways like creating a situation where they are praised or liked by people. And some may don't get bothered about the quality they get. Some get attention by creating a pity situation for themselves. So that people show sympathy towards them. They actually like to be highlighted, no matter what situation/ circumstances they create. They love it as long as people are connected to them through their weird behavior/act.

     It's actually hazardous in many ways for not only the attention seekers but to the victim of their drama. To avoid attention seekers one must not promote or can turn a deaf ear to their silly acts, so that attention seekers will not continue their drama any longer.

     As it's a sign of personality disorder so I would like to spill the beans here. Many people including large number of youngsters are suffering from this disease which is not a disease actually but a virus or an infection which is spreading vigorously, especially over the internet.

     Such mentally disturbed people love getting attention through different cheap ways because they are not getting the appropriate attention from their family, friends and loved ones. The negligence and unsupported behavior of their loved ones may lead them to unsatisfied nature which in turn makes them get attention by creating scenes and drama or by over reacting over simple things, so that people will notice them, and they will be highlighted.

     These are the few things which I myself have encountered a lot of times over the internet and in my personal life too which made me conclude that, their loved ones are not taking care of their emotions and not supporting them. 

     Tell me if you have ever met an attention seeker, not only over the internet but in the real world too. 

P.S: I'm not intended to hurt anyone's feeling. My apologize if this blog post annoyed you or hurt you in any way!

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  • ohh anah nice to see you after a very very long time on ec "Wellcome" ! its really intersting blong like always but after reading this blog i am fleeing i have also face this personlity disorder): 

    your Roomi

  • @Lubna dear!

    Thanks for passing by and letting us know how you feel about such things or people! :)


    You are absolutely right. I too have witnessed some adults gaining attention through cheap ways. And that is the reason why I called it a disease or virus. 


    Thanks for the link of this useful article.

    @Jaffery Raven!

    Nice ice!

    @Mishaikh Sir! 

    Thanks a lot for congratulating me! :))

  • Hey Anah! Congratulation on BECOMING STAR MEMBER.  You have been featured!!

    Congrat. once again.

  • Maybe this article can help: http://purewater26.hubpages.com/hub/Cyber-Bullies-Profiles-1-Attent...

  • I wonder if it's only happening to youngsters. Some "adult people" can act very silly especially in the internet, just to seek attention. What do we call these people?

  • Nice blog dear Anah..
    You wrote about sth important we face it in our daily life!
    I think those who are trying to grab attention miss something in their own personality. In my life,I face such ppl..some of them are making this thing because their families don't deal with them in a correct way; that is why they are trying to grab others'attention!!
    But others cuz they have a disease in deed as you said:/
  • @Arif Saeed Bro!

    Thanks for passing by!

    Lol, I have completed my ICS not matric :P. Well it's not concerned to my blog so let's get on the track. 

    I pretty much agree with you Bro. Maturity comes when a kid get's proper attention from his elders. And it is an illness for the kids who have been the apple of their parents eye in their childhood and in spite of the proper attention they adopt cheap ways to get famous. They should be treated carefully by a good psychiatrist.

    Let me tell you something.

    When I was in school I used to have many friends which loved my company more than others. One day when me and my friends were chatting in canteen a girl started to cry. We abruptly chased her and tried to calm her. We asked her the reason but she didn't tell anything and stopped crying. It was pretty weird but we friends didn't judge her. A few days later she did the same thing and so we friends did. It became the routine of her that whenever we friends start enjoying our time fully she starts to cry and never tell the reason. After spending a month that way we tried to investigate and got the results that she was doing all the drama intentionally just to ruin the fun we friends were having and she loved when we leave our enjoyment and notice her and pamper her. 

    We didn't judge her cause we knew there is a slight difference between deprivation and attention seeking.

    This is not the only incident I've encountered but there are so many incidents not only in my real life but in this virtual world too.

    Well Bro! You didn't choose my or anyone's DP as a good example for seeking attention. As long as it concerns to the display picture people choose, I won't call it or judge it as attention seeking or an individual person an attention seeker. Mostly people choose DP's to reflect their nature or personality. So it's totally unacceptable what you have said. :) 

  • @Rusty! 

    Thanks for passing by and completing my blog with your nice comments. :)

    You are right these kind of people should be treated with good care. But there are people who are not neglected but still they love bad ways to get attention. Those people with creepy behaviors should be considered mentally ill and need cure. :)

  • @Setareh!

    Thanks for dropping by dear! :)

    That's right dear. I agree with you fully. :))

  • NOA! :D 

    Yea I agree with you. But there are some cases where people do it intentionally. In spite of being surrounded by good people they try cheap ways and disturb their surrounding and it make people realize that a person is mentally disturbed. And as I said some people are worthy of getting attention because they are not harming anyone, they just need sympathy and we should notice why they are suffering from such situation.

    Thanks for passing by! :)

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