Are you lucky?

I read this article and found it nice,so I wanna share it with you.I didn't copy the whole article but the most significant points because it is very long.This article explains how you can improve your luck in different ways.I found that inviting!

To be honest with you,I tend to be a pessimistic person most of the time.I feel like if I think of the worst,I will not be surprised with the results no matter how terrible they turn to be.I admit it I don't think positively.Maybe that is why I liked this article.

I hope you enjoy reading it.

1. Positive Thinking Attracts Luck

An optimistic viewpoint can improve your luck.

If you are the type of person who believes that the glass is half full, not half empty, than you're already familiar with positive thinking. Studies have actually shown that being optimistic can relieve stress and help you live longer.

2. Accentuate the Positive with Visualization

Visualizing Success Can Make You Luckier.
Visualization is a technique where you picture yourself experiencing a desired event, which helps you work out the steps to make that event happen.

3. Affirmations Reinforce Lucky Thinking

Writing Out Affirmations Can Reinforce Positive Thinking
If you watched the movie, Evan Almighty, you might have noticed that Evan's character starts every morning by looking in the mirror and saying, "I am smart, I am successful, I am happy." This is an affirmation.

Affirmations are ways of planting the seeds of success in our subconscious, helping us to think positively and to be more prepared for success. As W. Clement Stone said, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Affirmations are always positive, in the first person, and in the present tense. You can write them out or repeat them to yourself several times each day. Some good affirmations to improve your luck might be, "I am lucky, I am open to success, I am a winner."

4. Feng Shui Lets Luck Flow

Feng Shui Can Help Improve Your Luck.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art designed to bring balance, health, and even luck to the people who practice it. Some dismiss feng shui as superstition, but the principles of this art can help you to be more productive, more positive, and less distracted.

For example, one of the principles of feng shui is that clutter has a negative effect on your energy levels. And it's true - a messy, disorganized area makes it difficult to find what you need and to concentrate on your work.

5. Lucky Charms and Rituals

Four-Leafed Clovers, a Symbol of Luck.

Many people swear that they have increased their luck by wearing a favorite pair of socks or t-shirt , or by having lucky symbols like four-leafed clovers, ladybugs, or even Troll dolls near their computers while they enter. Still others perform some kind of lucky rituals before they start their daily sweepstakes. But this is superstitious nonsense, right?

Not necessarily. Using lucky charms and rituals makes you feel luckier, happier, and more optimistic. This positive attitude makes it easier to keep entering sweepstakes, and thus improves your chances of winning. 

6. Increase Your Karma, Get Luckier

Karma Can Help Improve Your Luck.

Karma is one of the principle tenets of Hindu philosophy, but it can be simply summarized as, "What Goes Around, Comes Around." In other words, if you do good things, more good things happen to you and the luckier you'll be. While it might seem to be smarter in the short run to keep the contests and answers that you find to yourself, everyone needs some help and encouragement at some point. Helping each other to win increases the luck of the entire sweepstakes community.

7. Increasing Luck Through Spirituality and Prayer

Prayer and Meditation Can Help Improve Luck.

Many people turn to a greater power to help them increase their luck. Some say a prayer before they start  doing anything important, asking God to help them get what they need.Some feel that asking God for specific prizes is inappropriate, but ask instead for the strength and the positive attitude to do something in the right way.

Others ask the Universe to send them luck, prizes, or a positive attitude, or they use meditation to help them focus and enter more quickly and persistently.

8. Work Harder, Be Luckier

Persistence is Crucial to Winning Sweepstakes.

Thomas Jefferson said, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." The harder you work, the less you need to rely on luck.  Hard work is the secret of success. By being patient, persistent, and having a positive attitude, you'll see many more lucky results in your life.

    For me,I usually practise the affirmation technique.I wake up every morning and repeat some words to warm me up and raise my spirits like"I am confident,successful and the like..."Honestly,I am not sure if that works or not;however, if it doesn't work,it won't hurt

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  • Thank you dear Rajesh for stopping by.
  • Thank you very much for sharing it with us dear.
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