Are You a Murderer?

Before you react sarcastically, let me remind you that we are dealing with plants here. So have you killed your plants unintentionally but you felt guilty towards them? If your answer is yes, then you’re not alone.

Most gardeners especially the new ones have committed this crime plenty of times. Even expert horticulturists have admitted themselves feeling abashed by this dilemma. But the good news is that there are simple ways to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Firstly, the most common culprit in killing our plants especially the indoor ornamental ones is over-watering. We’re so worried that our plants should be watered every single day in order to thrive and guess what - we end up accidentally killed them with kindness. Their soils become soggy and later would result in root rot. Make sure to look for tale-tell signs if your plant really needs some water. You might notice that its leaves are wilting so check the soil right away and if it’s really dry (you’d usually dip your finger about an inch deeper from the top soil just to make sure), pour some water until it seeps out at the bottom of its pot. Some plants love moist soil. Actually, it really varies from plant to plant. For example, I usually water my baby Snake plants (Sanseviera trifasciata) once every two weeks. I let its soil dry completely before I water them again.

Secondly, make a research about the plants you have and the variety of what you’d like to collect in the future. Bear in mind that some plants are worth keeping indoors, while others should be placed outdoors primarily because they need lots of sunlight in order to produce their own food and grow prolifically. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), Aglaonema and Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) plants are some of the best ornamental plants for our homes, but keep in mind they are toxic to kids and pets so consider placing them beyond their reach. Furthermore, by digging some information about the plants you’ve already had would save you from disappointment, wasted penny and the risk of accidentally killing them. Don’t forget to ask the sales assistant on how to take care the plant prior to purchasing it.

My Pink Aglaonema

Finally, I’m very grateful we have Google and YouTube! I’ve been learning some tips and tricks through the Internet. Besides that, many garden experts are kind enough to post their own videos and blogs for us to be knowledgeable about certain plants. They do not hesitate to share their tips and ideas to grow our plants successfully. Some of them would reply to your queries, too. Isn’t it interesting?

So there you have it! These are some of my tips that I found useful for me. Honestly, there are so many tips to share, but I would tackle them in the future. Remember, every day is a learning opportunity, so don’t get disenchanted if some of your plants didn’t survive. I hope this blog has helped you gained some insights to avert you from being a plant murderer. :P

Happy gardening!

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  • Thank you Mary, Marshaa, Adaline, Ap Suku, Onee, Luci and Mishaikh for liking this blog. I appreciate it much! :)

  • Hi, Luci!

    I'm sorry to hear that. You might want to consider choosing some plants that are very low maintenance such as succulents, ZZ plants and Snake plants. But I realized you have youngsters there and they could get pricked with the succulents' thorns. Look on the brighter side dear, you could still have some plants to keep when life gets less busy.

    Thank you for taking the time commenting!

    Take care,

    Robbie :)

  • Hola, Estanis!

    I wonder what plants you're having in your house. Maybe you're keeping some plant varieties that I haven't seen yet. :) Don't worry, you could hire me as your gardener for the day when I have the chance to visit Spain in the future. Also, I hope our dear Mary would join me there.

    Thanks a lot for commenting!

    See you around,

    Robbie :)

  • Hey, Mary!

    Oh, you made me think twice now if I should consume my herb plants! I don't think it would make me a psycho if eat I them for health reasons, do you?

    And that photo you've shared, it's gorgeous! I love that Spanish lavender! Purple colored flowers are soothing to the eyes. I hope I'd be able to have one in the future because of its health benefits. By the way, I appreciate your effort for sharing your cutie plants.

    I wish you'd be able to grow and propagate them successfully! The best of luck!


    Robbie :)

  • Hi, Adaline!

    I'm glad you liked this blog. I couldn't agree more with your saying. It's always important to learn from our mistakes and learn to move forward. Gardening is really fascinating! 

    Thank you very much for your optimistic comment.

    Take care,

    Robbie :)

  • Hello, Rose!

    Those are great tips! I will keep them in mind. You must have been an expert in planting different veggies! I truly believe homegrown vegetables and fruits are the best. It's rewarding to see them grow, reach maturity and then bear fruits. 

    Thank you so much for taking the time checking out my blog. I appreciate it!


    Robbie :)

  • Robbie...I am serial plant killer!!! Shame on me, I know! Just time to time I m so busy I forget to take care of my plants and I m sure they hate me sooo much! Thank you for this blog, will try to be responsible for my green friends :p
  • I'm pretty sure that plants of my house would get along better with you... :/
  • I'm not just a murder but a psycho! I even eat some plants :(

    But in my defense I've to say that I also keep most of my plants alive and looking nice! ^_^

    2643913420?profile=originalI've these in my window (alyssum (white one) spanish lavender (purple one) and the others I can't remember the name) I still can keep them alive... but I just bought them two weeks ago. Wish me luck! XD

  • Dear Robbie, Lovely tips and new words to learn!

    I remember the saying 'The gardener learns more in the mistakes than in the success!'

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog!

    Well done!

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