An Ode to friendship

Hi There,This is a nice and short poem for those who treasure their friends. In fact i'm one of them. Read it and tell me how much you like your friends.You say good things behind my backAnd my mistakes on my face...You give me the strength when i'm low...And hit me hard when i'm slow.You know me in and out..But still you love me a lot -no doubt.Lucky to have you as my friend
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  • You are lucky having a friend like Waleed.
    I wish you stay together forever.
  • I disagree with you my friend.There is a friendship in the world.I have a friend called Waleed.We are friends since we were children.I think he is the second part from me.If i ask him to give me his eyes, he'll do that .You should find the real friend but don't be pessimistic.I wish you'll have the real friend.
  • I am not sure that friendship exists any more.
    Outof an experience of 19 years friendship whith someone whom I really miss and whom I have never called her by her name, but "Eternal Friendship". Today, we are no longer toghether.
  • Hi Emilie,
    You are right my friend .Thanks alot for your on point comment.

    so long
  • Hi Kamel:
    Very nice poem. I wonder do we have this kind of friends at this time. The meaning of friendship had changed according to the way of life,desires and to the characters of those friends. I mean some one who wants good for you will never judge according to his\her thoughts. But really I like your poem very much . This is the real friendship which any one needs. Thanks Kamel for this topic. I like it. Have a nice time.

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