A few years ago, I adopted two freshly weaned puppies from the same litter. The particular breed of dog is known as a Labrador Retriever. In the US, we just call them Labs. They come in a variety of colors and are one of the most friendly, intelligent, interesting, and loyal K-9 companions (in my opinion) that a dog owner could ever have the pleasure of spending time with. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labrador_Retriever . I'll allow the link to give further explanation of the breed. While at the breeder's home and choosing these two lovely animals, I decided on a male and female puppy to bring home with me. The female was named Judy and the male, Miles.

At first, they were small and cute. When they reached about five months of age, every piece of furniture in my household had teething marks in it (along with my own hands). The garden was filled holes they'd dug. It reminded me of attempting to raise rebellious teenagers. My own daughter was only ten years old at the time. I can safely say my experience was non-existent at that time. The days passed while both of them developed maturity and loyalty. 

As they became older, I began to notice distinct differences in their personalities that can only be attributed to their gender.

Judy awoke early in the morning and followed me around the house and property as I got ready for a day's work while Miles was still sleeping. She'd been trained on command to fetch my morning newspaper at the end of a long driveway. Later in the day when both of them were awake and alert, Judy barked at anyone who rang the doorbell or walked past my home. Her protective nature always made me smile. Miles just sat patiently and wagged his tail.

While hunting ducks in my own late fall and early winter, they were trained to immediately jump into the pond and retrieve this hunter's prize. Miles was always the first to navigate the very cold water. Judy usually hesitated momentarily while looking at me in disgust. If she had a way of formally communicating with me, I'm sure she'd say, "let my brother do it. This water is far too cold for a lady.". Miles was always the true hero in this scenario.

When the sun finally sets, both dogs are and where truly appreciated by me. My love, praise,and admiration has always been expressed for their effort. As I wrote this blog during my own late evening, Judy is still with me while sleeping on a comfortable spot near the foot of my bed. Miles passed away due to a rare illness about a year ago. Whether snoring loudly in my own bedroom or looking down upon me from the "doggy afterlife", both have always been equal in my eyes.

The entire situation reminded me of human gender related behavior in many ways. I hope all EC Members can see the symbolic comparison.

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  • Hmm ... are you trying to say that women's nag are similar to that Judy's barks??  hehehehe. or the other way round?

  • Thanks for the comments my friends. It really was just a comparison between male and female behavior and how my own dense 44 year old thinking has only begun to understand it. Judy and Miles are two real life puppies that I adopted in late 2009. The story is true. Oi Ryszaryd, for the sake of the deeper symbolic readers, I could revert to past behavior and exchange the word "ducks" for "flying pigs". lolllll.

  •      Since I have reason I have a couple of dogs at home, always a male and a female, but are sterilized so they can not have puppies.     Right now, I have a beautiful pair of German Shepherd dogs are not brothers.     By the way, I love small dogs. are very sweet and beautiful, but my parents do not like for obvious reasons, that you already described it, but you missed it comment that eat my mom's favorite high heels or  his favorite belt  that goes well with all suits of my dad, lol
         You know, it's true that females learn everything faster, they are more alert to the buts, are more alert to every sound, in return dogs are more territorial, more aggressive with other dogs and with people who are very close to us and fascinated about sleep and just roll their eyes when they hear a noise.     But they both love to play and run with us in the park.       

    Actually, my dogs are my best friends. I love them a lot.     :)

         As humans, I can say that my parents arrive almost at the same hour in the evening after work, and my mom makes dinner, wash clothes, clean the house, see the bills to be paid, make the list of things for the next day.    However,  my beloved daddy sits down to watch televison and read, sometimes helps with dinner, and then wash the dishes during the week.
    But the weekend is very good and loving to my mom and me.     

    They are the best thing that happened to me so far and I love them very much.      :)

  • Uncle Eric, I'd like to KISS Judy and HUG Miles if I can take a time machine~

  • There are studies about the differences males and females carry in animals, they say )I can't but agree) females are cleverer. There are scientific reasons for that and if anyone is interested I will explain them separately. Now these theories apply to ALL animals. For those who might forget human beings ARE animals. I had prove of it myself both wth dogs and cats. If you've ever been owner of dogs you have surely noticed that generally females are quicker in learning i.e. Thanks Eric for sharing your love for your dogs :-*

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