All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

The title of the blog today is an English proverb. This link explains the word proverb.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy means that if we don't balance our day with work and play then we become dull. You must know someone who spends all their hours working, often they lose their sense of humour and don't appear to be relaxed or happy.

My days are always balanced with work and play, but I am very lucky because I enjoy my work so much some days it doesn't even seem like I am even working.

(Remember if you are enjoying learning English this can be classed as leisure rather than work).

Are you able to balance your days to include work and leisure?

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  • Thanks for the comments on my blog. I'm only really just learning that I can comment back!

    Sorry it took so long to thank you all.

    Best wishes, Ali

  • Hi dear Ali,

    Thanks for the nice proverb and the other explanations. 

    Well, actually sometimes my studies are too much and I get tired of them. To tell the truth, I am a procrastinator which causes me to have some tough days cramming for the examinations or preparing the assignments. So I am not always successful balancing my time between studies and having spare time to enjoy. Even when I am not studying, I annoy myself thinking about the studies and that I am not ready for an exam or homework! Uh!  I am a little bit (so much!) lazy lady.

    Have a nice time :)

  • a good blog ALI

    yes , I can balance between them

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