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  • anele,
    Moreover, we are always sure that we have hearts and are well taught about kindness and care, but we sometimes feel so ashamed not to notice that in need.
    Thank you so much for you inspiring words .
  • Nadira,

    I suppose it is a verse of line,
    with rhythmic beats .......and here we go, a poem is born..
  • oh thanks for sayings I suppose it is a verse of line,
    with rhythmic beats .........
  • nebia,
    You are so nice, I know you long enough to believe in that
  • Nadira ,
    That is a poem
  • I read this story a long time ago and I could not stop crying each time I read it.
    I love it Fa, you are a smart friend dear, we need such stories to reinforce the good relation we should have with others.Keep it up, please.
  • Yes tears hidden within, unable to let go and get washed in the open!
  • Nadira ,
    What you have mentioned were tears , sometimes tears are not only liquid.
  • deuce666,
    You are so sensitive and you must be so caring person.
  • Fa, I've been crying during the whole movie and after I watched it...
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