A Call

Working in a call center industry is a no easy task. Everyday you have to talk to different types of people, especially in an airline account, you have to follow the guidelines that the company provides. You have to make sure you make a correct and accurate reservations.When you receive a call, you have to show to the caller or guest a pleasant and welcoming voice. Having a complete idea and information are necessary. You cannot guide or advise the caller on the products or services that you're company offers, if you're not aware of the information. So from the start of you're training, make sure that you understand what the trainer teaches you. This information will be beneficial when you're starting to receive an actual call, that is assessing the caller on his or her booking or reservation. You have to double check everything especially if there's money involved. For example, the caller wants to make a booking and decided to pay it using a credit card, make sure to get complete credit card information. Before you process the payment , make sure though that you quote the correct amount to the caller, recap everything from the booking and advise the caller accordingly. Answer any inquiries if any.Don't forget the caller for the successful and confirmed booking. Advise him or her on the guidelines on the booking and the things to bring once he or she will bring at the airport or what to be presented in the check-in counter.Take a breath and accept another call.If there's a problem regarding the booking, advise the passenger on any changes. Follow the guidelines of proper handling of canceled flights or changes of flight schedule. If the caller is irate, show him or her compassion. Think of it as it you were in his or her position. What would you do? It's all about being emphatic.If all else fail, escalate to the supervisor, hopefully it will turn out well!Robert
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  • Thanks anele for your comments here in my blog. It's flattering to here those words. I'm glad another Filipina noticed my writing. This is a good site to learn and to share our ideas that can be beneficial to others. Thanks again and take care.
  • Hi there. Sorry for such a long time to reply but I thank you so much Tara for replying on my blog. The blog that I wrote, is what actually I've been doing. It turned out like a module but its what came out on my mind back then. Yes I'm working in a Call Center. In response to
    your request, here are the corrections.

    1. Working in a call center industry is not an easy task.
    2. You have to make sure you make correct and accurate reservations.
    3. You cannot guide or advise the caller on the products or services that your company offers, if you're not aware of the information
    4. So from the start of your training, make sure that you understand
    what the trainer teaches you.

    I hope I got it right this time. I really appreciate your comments. It
    makes me motivated to hone my writing skills and improve my confidence.
  • Good writing! I hope you can take Tara's challenge and fix the minor errors in those 4 sentences.
  • Wow! That is a fantastic guide, Robert. It sounds like a manual. Do you work in a call centre?
    When you write a blog I like to challenge you because your writing is almost perfect. I hope you don't mind. Can you fix a few tiny errors in these 4 sentences? (Hint 1 and 2 have the same error. 3 and 4 have the same error/typo.)

    1. Working in a call center industry is a no easy task.
    2. You have to make sure you make a correct and accurate reservations.

    3. You cannot guide or advise the caller on the products or services that you're company offers, if you're not aware of the information.
    4. So from the start of you're training, make sure that you understand what the trainer teaches you.
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