1. Hair Tie Overpopulation

"Why, oh, why, can't you create a single, central location for your hair ties and bobby pins?!? And why is there one on the handle of the microwave?"

2. Fear of Spiders, but Not Hot Wax

"Why are women so afraid of bugs but can regularly pour hot wax on their bodies and rip hair out by its roots?"

3. What's with All of the Drama?

"Girls and drama! My God, it's like an old episode of Dawson's Creek! He said, she said … it goes on and on for years. Do you ever get over an argument?"

4. Own Your Hormones!

"I am confused enough about why the onslaught of hormones every month, like clockwork, still takes me by surprise (the next day when she gets her period, I'm like, 'Oh! We got into a fight because she was hormonal!'), but why does that fact take her by surprise? Shouldn't she kind of realize it and be like, 'Don't listen to me — I'm hormonal'?"

5. Determination to Get Hitched

"I don't get why getting married so soon is so important to most women. Is love not enough?"

6. Shoe Fetish?

"Why all the shoes? Really, my sister has suitcases full of shoes that I've thrown aside more often than she's even seen them. It boggles the mind!"

7. Wild Attitude Fluctuations

"I don't understand their attitudes! Everything is good for, like, the first three months, but after that, it's a whole different ball game!"

8. Say What You Mean, Please!

"I don't get why girls say one thing and mean something different. Like when they say, 'You can watch the game,' and then when you do, you get in trouble."

9. Why Say You Want a Nice Guy If You Don't?

"What I don't understand is why girls really, really, really want that nice guy, but once they find one, they can't date him because now they need a jerk."

10. Why So Catty about Other Women?

"Why do girls not like other girls when they first meet them? It's as if they have to prove themselves to each other before they'll consider them acceptable to hang out with."

11. Be Direct. Please!

"I don't understand why women can't just speak more directly. They always want you to do something, but they don't put it in words. Instead, they talk around the issue. I wish they were more up front and just said it!"

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    You absolutely deserve an answer :D

    1) How can't understand things have to be handy?

    2) 'Cause they are so bored of the annoying things a man says if they don't 

    3) How can we? You NEVER understand our reasons!

    4) Women aren't more susceptible during their period ---That is a very manly idea |-/ loll

    5) What women do you know? :O But after all if you leve her soo much why not to marry her. And then we have to safeguard ourselves in case to leave us :P

    6) Because often near you that is the only coloured thing we have :D 

    7) We are optimist...

    8/11) Because we always hope you to be so clever to overpass the words and get the meaning:P

    9) We are so tender hearted that sometime we get idiot... we think in any jerk is hidden a good boy :/

    10) This too is a very manly point of view |-/ 


  • It was very nice,I really enjoyed your reflection on women.

    I think every guy ought to a have a dictionary to decipher  what is being said by women...lol...

    My favourite:2383158309?profile=original

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