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Welcome, have a seat

Welcome, have a seat
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  • Hello chaucer,
    Thanks for your comment about my picture. I am glad you like it. Yes compared to Egypt it is very cold here and the photo reflects this feeling .
  • Dearest Ruzan,
    Just 1 word... thanks
  • Hello Ameur,
    Thanks for all your comments on my pictures, you are very a faithful suporter :))
    It is not the same house than before. I was walking in the street when those two empty seats and i coul not resist to take out the little camera i always have with me.
  • I can only guess how much this two empty chairs touch your heart:-)They like two hearts which are always together in spite of everything.
  • Is this the same house befor or other house?, very nice place even the chairs placed in a beautiful place .... and this has a beautiful meaning for me:)
  • Yes, sometimes i make pictures of people and then, they are the main subject of my picture, but other times, my heart hears a call from simple things as those 2 empty chairs.
    I am not a professional photograph, if i take a picture it is because the people or the things that are on the pictures talked to my heart. It's as simple as this.
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