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Great Wall in the Sun

I took this photo while visiting China's Great Wall. Did you notice the crowd on the Wall? But I managed to make it to the top that day!
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  • Yes, it was a very hot day and I was very tired when we climbed halfway to the top. But I didn't want to give up and tried to reach the top. When I was finally at the top, I was overwhelmed with excitement. What a view from the top!
  • Amazing photo!
  • @Amila: I hope to visit your beautiful country!
  • So crowded..It's show time. Let's go for picking pocket
  • Hi richard, najwa:

    Thanks for your comments. Beijing is a relatively secure place to visit. That's why so many visitors from around the world visit it every year.
  • Great Wall is great. I wish I can visit it.
  • Thanks Karenina, Bob, Achan!

    Yes, when I got to the top that day, I was exhausted and drenched in sweat. But it was worth it - the view from the top was absolutely breathtaking. It's said that 'no trip to Beijing is complete without visiting the Great Wall'.

    @Bob: I never thought a horse could possibly make it to the top until you mentioned it - amazing.
  • Visiting one of world wonders is an unforgettable experience. You must be very tired at the moment, but satisfied as well, mustn't you?Thanks for sharing...dear ES
  • I was lucky in having someone take me to a place not quite so crowded, bit even still it is a crowd. Also many people selling souvenirs, bit it is amazing the size and complexity. They said it was made for allowing an army of defenders on horseback to quickly ride from one place to another. Some steps were very steep and high. I think even horses would have some trouble. All the same it is truly a marvel and I am glad that you were able to experience it.
  • It's worth visiting Nadiyah!
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