Tam tweeted
Apr 2, 2022
A Russian independent public opinion agency says that about 80% of Russian people in Russia support Putin. Do you believe that?

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  •  A russian independent agency??? 🤣🤣

    • Hi, Estanis.

      An "independent" Russian agency... that seems to sound ridiculous...but... that might be an agency working in exile because they had to flee Russia but still have trusted Russian sources telling them what's happening over there. I've heard about whole agencies that have been banned in Russia and are now in exile trying to inform the people in Russia.

    • a picture is worth a thousand words



  • I can imagine it, though it's hard to believe. I can't blame the people there. They may not support him, but dare not oppose official propaganda.
    Do you know why they seem to support him? They don't know the truth, they don't have access to independent media. You can watch the news only on Russian TV. They are told that Ukraine is the aggressor.
    They are told that Putin wants to save the Ukrainians.
    They don't see the images of dead civilians, destroyed hospitals, schools, etc. You don't see all the people killed. They don't know that some people have nothing to eat or drink and are freezing because they live in basements without heating. Even babies have been born in basements there.
    I don't know if the Russians know that more than four million women, children, and old people have already fled Ukraine to other European countries. That is about 10 % of Ukraine's population.
    Some people know the truth, but in Russia, they are not allowed to say that they are at war. They might be prisoned.
    People who believe in anything that Putin tells them, only become aware of the reality of war when their soldiers, who are also sons, fathers, and brothers, come home in large numbers in coffins.

    • You are totally rıght, my dear Rose. But anyway russians are guilty too because they don't even want to know the truth. It is not a problem to find any true information on the net. But most of russians prefer to be ignorant and believe their government fully. 

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