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12 Flu Prevention Tips

1Raw garlicGarlic is one of the best natural remedies for flu prevention. Garlic kills viruses responsible for colds and the flu, according to tests run by a microbiologist at Brigham Young University. It may be helpful to smear nasal cavity with garlic juice (this may cause burning sensation). Or you could simply chew the chive garlic, you even don't need to swallow it. To protect your child hang up to the cot a small gauze bag with crushed raw garlic.2YogurtYogurt has immunostimulatory effects4 and the great potential as a protective anti-infection agent. Regular yogurt consumption may help increase your resistance to germs. In a year-long study3 researchers at the University of California found that regular yogurt consumption (200 g of plain yogurt per day) reduces susceptibility to upper respiratory infections, such as colds and flu.3Green teaRegular green tea drinking may reduce your risk for flu. Green tea exerts a powerful antiviral effect on influenza virus. There is a strong scientific evidence that catechins (polyphenolic antioxidant compounds) in green tea inhibit influenza virus replication7-8.4Drink plenty of fluidsThe plain water is the best, however water with lemon juice, sweetened with honey, green tea, black tea, herbal tea, or fresh sugar-free juice (you may dilute it with water) are also good choices. Drinking plenty of water will keep you well hydrated. And proper hydration is essential to a strong immune system and overall health. Water flushes your system, washing out the poisons as it rehydrates you.How to know if you are getting enough fluids? If the color of your urine is close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.Also remeber, that alcohol can be dehydrating, which in turn may decrease your resistance to viruses.5Fruits and vegetablesEat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Good sources of Vitamin C are citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, nuts, kiwi. Apples exert antiviral properties6 and are great preventive remedy against flu.6Quit smokingIf you are a smoker and want to protect yourself from the flu - break off your habit. Cigarette smoking is risk factor for influenza2, 5. Also, there is a higher mortality rate from influenza for smokers than for non-smokers. Mechanisms by which smoking increases the risk of infections include structural changes in the respiratory tract and a decrease in immune response.7Room ventilationProper ventilation significantly reduces the concentration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the air. Opening windows is an easy and extremely effective natural ventilation technique.8Avoid crowdsTry to avoid crowds whenever possible during the peak of flu season. Doing this you significantly reduce your exposure to the infection. Flu spreads easily in crowded places such as child care centers, schools, office buildings, auditoriums, stores and supermarkets.9Get dressed properlyOur temperature sensory receptors (Thermoreceptors) are concentrated on the hands, feet, neck and head. So, keep these parts of your body warm.10Keep the distanceTo reduce your chances of infection, develop the habit of keeping a distance (about six feet), if possible, between yourself and others during flu epidemic.11Hand WashingHuman influenza viruses can survive on surfaces up to 48 hours. Washing your hands often for 15-20 seconds with warm water and soap will help protect you from germs.12Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouthAvoid touching your nose, eyes, or mouth unless you have clean hands. The eyes, nose and mouth are entry ports for flu viruses. Germs can enter your body easily by these paths. Rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth is a sure-fire way to get the flu. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with virus and then touches his or her eyes, nose or mouth.
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