iF's Posts (12)

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Having inherited migraine from your parent is far from being inherited with treasures. I suffered from Migraine and so did my mother. We both had migraine twice in a day, it went on and on for years. My mom took her regular pain killer when it attacked. I was not into taking medicine or other chemical substances as I prefer something natural to cure any illnesses.

Till one day I came to an insight if doing a regular jogging could minimize your migraine. I put on my running shoes and start jogging everyday, 5 times a week for 30 minutes. I was proud of being very consistent and committed to myself, I never stopped doing this jogging even though it was a sizzling rain and quite often I put on my raincoat to keep my consistency and commitment in jogging.
It took me 2 years to do this regularly and now it was completely healed. As jogging has become my habit and part of life cycle, I cannot stop this exercise and now I have been jogging for more than 15 years.

I have shared this to a friend who suffered from migraine and she told me it did not work. I decided to sit with her and monitor her for a week. The first and second day went smoothly but not the third day, as it rained but not pouring and she decided to stay home and escaped the routine. On the other occasion, she felt bored of doing this routine with many excuses.

Now I figured out the answer why same cure worked for some but not to someone else. The hardest part to do is being consistent and committed in everything you do. It is about willingness and self discipline. Put this simile, a drop of water cannot give a rock a dent but drops of water can. It applies to all things we do in life. So put on your running shoes and start running.

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I have just noticed that lately our beloved MAIN ROOM CHAT has been flooded with spammers and trolls.

EC has been very attentive to cope with this issue by suggesting as follows :I have been reading an article about ASSERTIVENESS and here is what it says :

Insights for this :

  1. Not responding aka "Ignoring" ==> is it considered as NOT ASSERTIVE (PASSIVE ) ?
  2. Should we handle it in an assertive way ? If so, then HOW TO ?

Most of the time, a spammer or a troll came alone (Single fighter) and when he/she did his/her act, for sure some members (means more than 1) would attack the troll/spammer back either in "Passive-Assertive" or "Aggressive" acts.

So, in this case.....WHo Abused WHo ?

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Google has shown us that information is boundless, any kind of information is there, in just 1 click.

What is it that you are writing about, in your blog now ? Whatever you are thinking to write, it can be found in Google. So what makes the blog different and stand out ? IT’S THE PERSONALITY OF THE BLOGGER !

Hmm…I found it interesting when I read this insight. Personality and experiences shape our thoughts and I call it “VOICE!!!” that makes the Blog unique !!! Readers can just visit google for all sorts of information, however they engage with bloggers becoz of WHO (THE BLOGGERS) ARE !

Today’s insight : blog your personality or Personalize your blog ? Any comments ?

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I am more to a blog reader than a blogger.

The reason is simple and cliché. I have limited vocabs as I am JUST a learner. So it doesn’t surprise me at all if I skipped most of the blogs with lengthy contents.

It’s interesting to know reasons behind why bloggers posted their blogs ? Few even were able to write more than 300 blogs.

I wonder from all the blogs you have written, which blog got the most viewers and comments ? And which one is more valuable for you ? the number of VIEWS of number of COMMENTS you got in your blog ?

“Only on the Internet can a person be lonely and popular at the same time”

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Are u this guy ? He works hard to control the buffalo. He doesnt have time to enjoy others coz what he needs to do is NOT FALLING down from the buffalo back.

Now, let'see this 2nd picture ==> He seems to enjoy the rodeo ride. He smiles and has fun on the buffalo's  back.

Picture No. 3  ===> the rodeo rider is angry coz he is not riding a real buffalo, he is riding on a horse toy, and you can see even the horse toy is mad too.

Moral story :

1. Life is about a choice. Life is completely un predictable, like your buffalo, you do not know where it will bounce you, left, right, up or down.

2. If you were on the buffalo's back now, how do you cope with the buffalo ? Like a guy on picture 1, 2 or 3 ? It is your choice.

3. Do your duty, enjoy your life and put into whatever you have to do; drink it ; enjoy it and take it with you. It's always there, if only you LOOK in the right place

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I was so honored and amazed with all comments given to my blogs, especially blog # 3 about trolls or trolley. You are all so great and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for spending your valuable time to comment on my blogs. I love ya all, especially....MY OHNIE !

Today, I am a founder + Admin + Troll-burstor of a Club called CAKE CLUB and here is my story :

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In every chat room, we can find some members who named themselves TROLLS, and they are not wanted!

In every malls, we can find trolleys and - they are really wanted especially if you shop more than what you can "chew" (*_^).

Well, I was reading the main room a while ago and I captured interesting chats from some members how to cope with the TRolleys ...oops i mean Trolls. Quite interesting views.....take a look !

EC friends --> Trolls will always be there, so as what Bon Jovi said : It's my life, its now or never ! or you can be a Lenka' fans : Trouble is a friend ya, troll is a friend of mine.....(hehehehe)

Here are some of them :

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iF's Hut - When I say I do !

When I say I do !

Is when we are committed !

When we are committed, should I think about you all the time ? Coz it means How much I love you ?


From now on, you shouldn’t think of HER , and you shouldn’t think of YOU as well. If you think only HER you’re forgotten and get burnt out. After a while, you don’t count. When you give, give, give, you get nothing back. It’s a horrible relationship. It won’t last.

Should you think abt yourself then ? ME ! ME ! ME ! A Big No No ! If you take, take, take, it won’t last either.

So how to make it last ?

It lasts when you don’t think of HER or YOURSELF, but think of US --> what’s between you. Most of the problems in relationships are never what’s in him or her, but in the way they relate together. It’s what’s in between that counts. 

So, when u say I do, it means yes WE DO ! Let US make it work !

To all EC friends who are in a relationship or marriage life, how long does yours last ?

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Once upon a time, there was a school teacher teaching the kids who fought a lot in the classroom.so the teacher told them to be quiet and made them write something on a piece of paper.

Kids, put a horizontal line in between your paper, on the left side write all the things you hate about the friends you dislike. All the kids who fought wrote all the things they hate so easily, there were lots and lots of things they could write about their enemies.

And now kids, write on the right side of your paper something you like about your enemies. The kids had a problem to write those easily, however they still wrote 1 or 2 things they liked about their enemies.

And lastly the teacher said, kids....now I want u to tear the left side of the paper and throw it to the bin and the next thing you do is : u keep the right side of that paper and give that paper to your enemies. So the kids did as what the teacher said.

After many many years, there was a burial ceremony of a death one of the friends who went to the same school while they were kids. The wife stood up at the podium and started giving the farewell speech. Before she started the speech, she took out one piece of paper and showed it to the audiences. The wife said...this is the only paper my husband used to carry in his wallet. When he was unhappy he took out this paper and read it again and again.

At the same time, some audiences there also took out a piece of paper from their wallets which they got from their enemy while they were at school.

Hello EC friends,

Seeing good things from someone you hate, can u ?

The only way to keep your enemies away is by making them your friends.

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