ghanus's Posts (11)

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one in two, or two in one.

there's no limit to your world, when your life crosses an other, there will be more crazy things to do in this life, even you change your dreams or you will stylized just to be, or to go in the same way with this person, because you and her (him) you are the some person, with two bodies and two hearts and two brains, each one want to satisfied the other, so what we will call this? being one in two, or two in one.

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there's no limit to your world, when your life cross an other, there will be more crazy things to do in this life, even you change your dreams or you will stylized just to be, or to go in the same way with this person, because you and her (him) you are the some person with two body and two hearts and two brains, each one want to satisfied the other, so what we will call this?
being one in two, or two in one

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The elastic effect

Love is like a bungee jump, it's an adventure, it's exciting, and sometimes it is voluntary, let us have completely gone, but once it was the end, we can never reach the point where we got the first time, then you start to hesitate, the relationship becomes more peaceful, more stable, you want a simple touch, and sometimes feel that you can all dropped suddenly, and you find the starting point, then here you can give it another try.

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Be beautiful from the inside you see a beautiful universe and be good people see the good but then you will not attract a magnet, but your character to be good friends, we who determine the quality of those who gathered around us because of our way of thinking so beware.

D. Amjad Korhh

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me and my guitar we are the same, their strings are my vocal cords, the screams that she makes are my pains, my cry, my pray, my sadness, my madness, my hopeless life, they try to tell you some things
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My friends are my sources of inspiration, my guardians in the kingdom of conscience and great inventions, my soldiers in the champ of battles, my audience in my little theater, they have greater ability to be what I am today, they are my true reflections.

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Some about love!!

Love is the thing you guess that you own it but they own you, and you are his slave, even slaves can have the chance to have their freedom, but lovers they don’t have this chance, the whole life is too short to release them from this eternal madness
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