diggy's Posts (1)

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Random Thoughts

When it comes to "Carmen", the wild lady in a crimson dress, stomping with the lively music of flamenco first popped up in our mind.  But don't get carried away, "Carmen" should be a common name around the globe already.  "Carmen City", in the southwest of Mexico, is unexpectedly mesmerizing as well.  Why and how?  I'm in love with a boy from there, so I hope this explains everything.

Lisa, one of my feline housemates, was chasing her tail the other day, and it made me wonder.  To be precise, I am always speechless, or chuckle at times, staring at these fluffy creatures living their lives with such a positive and partly humorous attitude.  They even feign that they are unharmed after a fight with others or a bang on the head against the wall out of a sudden run.

I delight in learning foreign languages and Spanish for now.  For your information, Mexico is a Spanish-speaking country.  Lately, I am brushing up on the idioms and phrases.  One funny thing I found is that foul language has something to do with “mother”, take Spanish itself, Chinese, and of course English.  What makes us spontaneously choose this word?  There must be other reasons besides the habit of speech.  I suppose it is a kind of inferiority from the clash of power.  There is something only a mother can do, so it makes people jealous.  For example, mother could pick up on you like no one ever did.  On the other hand, she will always be there and catch you when you fall.  She is literally a superheroine.  When we swear with this word, it could be a way to damp down this bittersweet impact on us.  Thus, it almost makes sense that we use "mother" to express ourselves in a either good or bad way.

This blog is dedicated to Nadira.

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