alice grey's Posts (2)

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Over the past few years, drug abuse and alcohol intake among the youth has increased at an alarming rate around the globe. Preventing drug and substance use among adolescents is a critical issue in today’s society because prevention is better than cure. As an educator, I would take the role of a school counselor to prevent the growing tendency that is leaving the world at an edge of dismay. A counselor’s duty is to plan and implement all-inclusive school counseling programs for every student to assist them in attaining educational, career, personal, and social goals. One task is to promote the general wellness of all students, especially the adolescents because wellness is vital in tracking behavior change, drugs prevention, and protection of health. Adolescent is an important transition time of great neurobiological development. Different researches have clearly indicated that this stage of development influences the tendency of adolescents to test and practice alcohol and drug abuse, and this might carry on even to adulthood. Thus, addressing these changes positively as a school counselor will help in the adoption of good morals among the youths, assist in the prevention of drug abuse, and generate a healthy future generation.

Modernization and current events have heightened the desire of adolescents and youths to fit in the society because they want to feel good, but end in drug as well as alcohol abuse. This is due to stress and depression they encounter, anxiety to experiment and take risk, challenges of self-esteem and physical changes thus resulting in drug and alcohol abuse. As a counselor, I would address the issue of self-esteem by maintaining good and close relationship with all students because by building their self-esteem, they will not have any challenges in dealing with any environment or changes that come along with their development. Maintaining high standard values of communication, being trustworthy and confident, I will win their trust and thus help them in dealing with their maturational changes.

In collaboration with other education staff and parents, we will join hand in speaking openly about sensitive issues in adolescence stage during learning sessions and encourage students to speak about sexual relationship openly. It will also enable fast track thrill-seeking behavior among students, school performance, problems with peer and family relationship in order to understand affecting issues. In addition, I will cooperate with drug and substance prevention agencies to hold campaigns and conferences at schools, which will enable professionals to intervene and talk to students on the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse. Although adolescence is a challenging period, for a counselor, one is required to be knowledgeable on assessing and providing assistance for the exceptional psychological and emotional problems in adolescence, and having the knowhow of building relationship and interaction, which are open and full of trust with the youth. This will help in preventing drugs and substance abuse among adolescents and build a healthy future generation.

If a student were suspected of abusing drugs and substances, as a school counselor, I would scan his report before meeting the student in order to maximize time for counseling and guidance. I would call the student, welcome him/her warmly, and clearly emphasize that our conversation is confidential. In addition, I would have open-ended questions with the student to clarify the issue, scan the problem, identify the want, and guide the student on the way forward. I would carry out a physical examination and provide anticipatory guidance. Finally, I would put the emphasis on the significance of the issue, give him/her handout on dangers of drug and substance abuse for his own reading, offer another session, and refer him/her to a specialist. If the problem is critical or family-related, I would involve parents and advise them to support the adolescent.

About the author: Alice Grey is a bachelor in English philology and sociology at California University. She is currently working as one of the best writers at the place where you can find information about affiliate program She also studies feminine psychology.

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Biblical Worldview

The doctrine that a man is created in the image of God (Bible, 2016, 1:27), is inherent to Christian faith. Accordingly, a deeper exposition of the belief is that humankind resembles God in terms of their moral, spiritual, and intellectual traits. Thus, it influences interactions of individuals who profess Christianity in their diverse careers and professions. In my future vocation, after graduating as a specialist of Business Management Information Systems: Gaming Technology, I choose to follow the doctrine. Consequently, the interaction with people should be executed throughout the Biblical landscape in such a way that God, whose image humanity shares, is revealed as creative, intelligent, relational, and establishing limits.

Creativity and Intelligence

Faith in the doctrine that humankind is made in the image of God provides the foundation upon which a vocation after graduating with a BS in Business Information Systems: Gaming Technology should be based. A creative and intelligent nature of God, which is portrayed through His creation of every living thing (Bible, 2016) can also be seen in the gaming technology, as i is founded on paramount mastery and intellectual abilities. Hence, individuals in this vocation must have the two traits to be effective in their work. Therefore, the discussed doctrine would affect the manner of my working procedures, as, similar to God, I am too creative and intelligent. The study of computer science and other scientific pursuits provides a glimpse into the omniscient nature of God. God created the possibility for science and technology as a part of the talent potential of humanity. In appreciation of the foregoing views, I would use my creativity and intelligence in responsible ways in honor of human mandate for stewardship of God’s creation. God blessed men and gave them dominion over all creation, in other words, stewardship of the world (Bible, 2016, 1:28). In this respect, faithful stewards of the world should be cautious of the possible adverse effects the different kinds of software might have on humanity. In brief, the positivity of the likely consequences would guide the performance of my work in my vocation.


God, in whose image human being is created, is relational; hence, the human being is also inherently relational. In Genesis (Bible, 2016. 2:8), God finds it inappropriate for a man to be alone and, subsequently, creates Eve as his helper and partner. Adam and Eve engage in a close relationship to the extent of becoming one flesh (Bible, 2016, 1:24). This Biblical incidence is not purely a family matter, as it implies all relationships, including the ones of the workplace. All things considered, the relational nature of the human being, which we derive from God’s own nature, should be implemented in the daily routine. Thus, as a bearer of his image, naturally, I would need to transform this doctrine into the needs of my team. Therefore, by being collaborative and relational, I would be able to share my results and thoughts, give pieces of advice and receive them in return from my colleagues, which will greatly enhance our work efficiency. As a consequence, as a business information systems and gaming specialist, I would collaborate with partners and together we will make the performance of the complex tasks easy and enjoyable.

Interaction with the Law

Individuals who acknowledge that they are created in the image of God are naturally obliged to observe the limits enacted by law, morality, or ethics. According to Genesis (Bible, 2016, 2:9), God issued specific instructions to Adam and Eve concerning the boundaries of their work and daily life. In the middle of the Garden of Eden, He established the tree of knowledge of good and evil and forbade anyone to eat fruits from it. He also explicitly stated what the repercussion for violating the ordinance would be that was, death. Accordingly, God is a God of limit and not everything that can be done ought to be so. With reference to my vocation, intellectual property law provides limits to the work of specialists, namely, as a gaming or business software developer, out of appreciation of the belief that human being is a reflection of God’s image, I would not let my creativity and intelligence infringe on somebody else’s patents, copyrights, and trademarks. From a theological viewpoint, discussion on morality appertaining intellectual property laws gives rise to the concept of theft. Under the biblical concept of private property ethics, what belongs to an individual belongs to that individual absolutely.

In summary, the doctrine that man is created in the image of God should be applied in different ways in regards to my further career after obtaining a BA in Gaming Technologies. The biblical accounts of creation depict God as a creative and intelligent designer. Similarly, technology specialists should demonstrate ultimate creativity and intelligence in their complex programming work. Secondly, God is relational as evidenced by his decision to create a woman as a companion and helper for a man. In the same way, specialists in my chosen vocation should embrace teamwork in the performance of their sophisticated technological developments. Lastly, the God in whose image humankind is created is a God who sets limits and enforces adherence to the same. Similarly, specialists in business information systems and gaming technology should observe the boundaries imposed on their work by intellectual property laws, ethics, or morality.

About the author: Juliette Patioson is a bachelor in English philology and sociology at California University. She is currently working as one of the best writers at the She also studies feminine psychology.

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