XXXXXXX's Posts (5)

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this is our world friends

this is our world although we separate by ocean by sea or mountain.but we breath with the same gas...we still see the same sky....we still walk in the same ground.dont you think this global warming doesn't make our world is make our world became weak minute by minute...until we know that we are in the end of our do somthing....u have to do something..grow some plant....don't use a plastic....i think u all can do this...with me lets we change our world..i have try....!!how about you?
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imajinationimajination is something which very important.if you want to reach something.just are free to free your imagination...imagination is a key to get the world.but dont forget...if you just can imagination you will get have do something to make your imagination become true.
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just positif thinking

just positif thinking when something bad facing you.just positif thinking when you can get what you want.just positif thinking when you can't reach what you have to reach.everything will be fine if you always positif thinking.but dont forget be will helps us
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is this a life?

is this a life?when we can sleep well,but outside there are many person can not sleep this a life?when we can eat everything,but outside there are many person are very hard to find food to this a life?when we feel happy,and outside there are many people sad.yes this is your life,,,when you dont care with everyone.when you dont care with your neighboor.
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