Ty's Posts (2)

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Then it occurred, there was a deafening silence.

Seen as harmless, but an equal to violence.

The silence wasn't heard before, like filtered white noise.

Nothing less and nothing more, like time, silence destroys.

As when your life's centered around an object,

Family, education, a person or concept.

Even something you can't quite detect.

One day you'll find yourself on a road,

Going down a path seldom strode.

A place you find that you don't want to be,

Take a lesson from a person such as me.

Listen to all and heed their advice,

Life's too full of malice and vice.

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To me, Happiness is an island. An island with roads, roads where you can drive yet where you will not be "charged" with a crime. Where you can go to talk to people. It's an "island" civil enough to have roads, yet not "civil" enough to have "hatred". It's an "island" where people are "nice" yet say their opinion without hatred, just fact. We all, as humans, do not agree, but we do not have to be Hateful. It's an island where there are different roads, but all lead to the same place, "where we want to be".

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