Sharifa Bahri (SkoonAlBahr)'s Discussions (336)

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be in hot water

be in hot water

if someone is in hot water, people are angry with them and they are likely to be punished.

- He found himself in hot water over his speech about immigration.

get (sb) into hot water

- You'll get into hot water if your teacher finds out.



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Our July's Scoreboard

Our July's Scoreboard:


Adnan jan = 7

Syubi = 5

Kaoru = 5

Oksana = 5

jane de villi = 4

Javier = 3

Montse = 3

Rabab = 2

nida = 2

anele = 2

feanoa = 2

amal hope forever = 1

Anna = 1

Saif Khan = 1

Addel = 1

Aang Anwaruddin = 1

sweet nikki = 1

april = 1

vahid morady = 1


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Summer Vacation

As the summer is coming, the vacation will be started. Everyone has his/her own way to enjoy vacations. We get plenty of free time, but we have so many plans which are waiting to be done.

So, how do you arrange your time? And what do you usually do in

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