Sharifa Bahri (SkoonAlBahr)'s Posts (176)

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 11 letters long.


  • I think he is the most charming, most c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man I have ever known.
  • I have always understood one should try and be c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of other people.
  • My father is not real c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fact that I am trying to enjoy my Saturdays like a normal person and he always wakes me up early morning.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “the person who pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word considerate.

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “M” and has 5 or 6 letters long.


  • No one can eat a m_ _ _ _ bread.
  • Oranges can be kept for a long time without going m_ _ _ _.
  • After a couple of days, the cheese started getting all m_ _ _ _ and nasty.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “something is covered with a green substance that sometimes forms in spots on old food.”


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word moldy; mouldy.

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “B” and has 5 letters long.


  • I wasn’t going to let him b_ _ _ _ me.
  • I fell victim to the office b_ _ _ _.
  • He’s a coward and a b_ _ _ _ who confuses physical strength with manhood.
  • I asked her if she was b_ _ _ied by the other children.
  • She used to b_ _ _ _ me into doing my schoolwork.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day can be a verb means “to use your strength or power to hurt or force someone doing something” or a noun means “someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten other people”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word bully.


PS. sorry for being late, but I had a problem with my connection.

Skoon ...

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Since we have an audio group in MyEC, many members face a problem using Vocaroo to record their voice. I suggest them to record their voice by computer then upload it here. To do so, there are just 2 steps:


  1. Record your voice by computer. You can see this blog to know How to Record Voice Using Your Computer.


  2.Upload your voice as a comment in two steps.

         A. click on the fifth icon from the left.


        B. Browse your file and then title it.


Ps. The icon above appears in creating blogs, comments in pages, and comments in groups. So, if you want to post your voice somewhere else, just copy the code and paste it wherever you want.

I would like to ask Mr. Essberger and Miss. Benwell here to make this icon appears everywhere in MyEC.


Pss. Don't forget to test these steps and post your voice here as a comment!




Good Luck

Skoon ...

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Hello my friends. I’m here now to inform you that there is no word’s challenge in A-New-Word-Daily's group for this month, January. We are going to stop this month and we'll start again in February. I apologize for this but my final exams will start soon and I should prepare myself. The subjects are getting hard and I should study well. I’m sure that I’ll be like this picture !


But I really wish if I can insert any book in my head so I won't need to memorize anymore.

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Hello my lovely friends. How are you? I hope you are super fine and Very Much Alive as me. I would like to introduce our winner of December word's challenge in A New Word Daily group. According to  Our December's Scoreboard ...

Natasha = 19

nida = 14

anele = 6
deuce666 = 5

Monika = 5

walid = 4

Rabab = 4

mohammed Gouda = 4

sweet sandra = 3

Aang Anwaruddin = 2

notears = 2

safa = 1
Ohnie = 1
AHMED Elsebay = 1

Ogundele Fatai Kayode = 1


The winner is Natasha

. Let’s congratulate our winner of this month. Congratulations Natasha!

Good luck for others, I do appreciate your participations.
Skoon ...
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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!


The word of the day begins with the letter “B” and has 3 letters long.


·          I b_ _ _ed him to come back to England with me.

·         She b_ _ _ed to be allowed to leave.

·         We are not going to b_ _ for help any more.

·         They dropped to their knees and b_ _ _ed forgiveness.

·         I was surrounded by people b_ _ _ing for food.

·         She was living alone, b_ _ _ing food from neighbors.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to ask someone very anxiously or eagerly to do something.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!


The word of the day begins with the letter “R” and had 4 letters long.


·          My wife was r_ _ _ing her health through worry.

·         She accused him of r_ _ _ing her financially with his taste for the high life.

·         He wasn’t going to let her plans go to r_ _ _.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day can be a noun and a verb means “the state of being severely damaged or spoiled; to severely harm, damage, or spoil something or someone.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!


The word of the day begins with the letter “E” and has 10 letters long.


·          He thinks I’m e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ing his abilities.

·         She admitted that she did sometimes e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the demands of her job.

·         These figures e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the loss of competiveness.

·         The dress e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s her wasp waist and enlarge her bosom.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to indicate something is worse or more important than it really is.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!


The word of the day begins with the letter “R” and has 8 letters long.


·          We will finally have to r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ our relationship with neighboring states in North Africa.

·         Feminist have r_ _ _ _ _ _ _d the role of women.

·         I am going to r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the role of intellectual in this episode.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to cause people to consider something in a new way.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!


The word of the day begins with the letter “F” and has 7 letters long.


·          I like f_ _ _ _ _ies of romance and true love.

·         The film is more of an ironic f_ _ _ _ _ _ than a horror story.

·         It becomes a world of imagination, passion, f_ _ _ _ _ _, and reflection.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “a pleasant situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen.”

The word’s synonym is “dream.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!


The word of the day begins with the letter “T” and has 8 letters long.


·          The t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ old lady is over there.

·         It would be too t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to wait in the queue.

·         He made me t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ by talking about his life.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “being irritating or boring.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 7 letters long.


  • C_ _ _ _ _ _ your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt.
  • He needed to c_ _ _ _ _ _ with an attorney.
  • If you are you in any doubt, c_ _ _ _ _ _ a financial adviser.
  • After c_ _ _ _ _ _ing with her daughter and manager, she decided to take on the part.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to ask someone for his/her opinion and advice about what you should do.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “G” and has 4 letters long.


  • She gave a small g_ _ _ of pain.
  • An audible g_ _ _ went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.
  • She g_ _ _ed for air and drew in a lungful of water.
  • I heard myself g_ _ _ and cry out.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day can be a noun and a verb means “a short quick breath of air that you take in through your month, especially when you surprised, shocked, or in pain; to breathe like this way.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “D” and has 6 letters long.


  • It is a d_ _ _ _ _ town in the Midwest.
  • They live such d_ _ _ _ _ lives.
  • Today was one of the d_ _ _ _ _ _ days.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “something dull and depressing.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first



The word of the day begins with the letter “I” and has 10 letters long.


  • He was utterly i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with her.
  • I became i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with the case.
  • They are i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with bullfighting.
  • As a teenager, she is i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with makeup and she has her own i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ions.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “having strong feeling of love or passion for a person or thing which make you unable to think clearly or sensibly about them.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first !



The word of the day begins with the letter “E” and has 8 letters long.


  • The main bedroom is e_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  • There is, of course, an e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ amount to see.
  • It was an e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ disappointment.
  • Look at his e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ capacity for brutality.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “extremely large in size, amount, degree, or extent.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first !


The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 5 letters long.

  • The coffee was almost hot to swallow and made him c_ _ _ _ for a moment.
  • The girl c_ _ _ _d to death after breathing in smoke.
  • The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building where they c_ _ _ _d him with his tie.

Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to squeeze someone’s neck; to not get enough air into someone’s lungs.”

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first !


The word of the day begins with the letter “B” and has 7 letters long.

  • She was not moving, as if someone had b_ _ _ _ _ _ed her.
  • The doctor is b_ _ _ _ _ _ed by Maya’s beauty.
  • Do you think she b_ _ _ _ _ _es him?

Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to attract someone to someone or something that they cannot think about anything else.”

The word’s synonym is “captivate”.

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first !


The word of the day begins with the letter “R” and has 8 letters long.

  • Is socialism still r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to people’s lives?
  • Make sure you enclose all the r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ certificates.
  • We have passed all r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ information on to the police.

Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “something important or significant in a situation or to a person; something connected with the matter in hand.”

sorry for being late!!

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