Olivia Clark's Posts (1)

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Family is Everything

Last week there happened something that changed my attitude to my family and made me a different person. I received a phone call from my brother who said that our parents had gotten into a car accident. Those five seconds until he said that everything was ok and they only had some cuts and bruises seemed endless to me. I imagined that I would never see them again and it was unbearable pain. Such moments teach people to value and love their parents even more.

I think that family is the backbone of everything. These are the people who teach us about life, introduce us to the world, and explain to us its rules. I grew up in a great family where people have always valued traditions and respected their elders. Unfortunately, with time, as it happens, I started taking things for granted. Family is more than just being relatives. It is a special relationship and attitude to each other, marked with love, respect, and assistance. It is when every person is unique and irreplaceable, just as what he or she brings into the family. Unfortunately, families and relations in them are different. In some families, humiliation, neglect, insults, or even fights are the norm. Everyone dreams about a happy family. However, it definitely depends upon us and our determination. It is up to us to do everything that we can to achieve this ideal. Respect is the most important thing and people have to treat the family as a precious gift and value it. Family is a natural part of our life that shapes us as individuals and our personality is very much dependent upon the family relations. Family is a fortress, our protection against the harshness of the outside world. Loving, caring families give to the world happy, confident people, while violent, indifferent parents teach their children to be harsh and aggressive. Neither money, nor power can bring us absolute happiness, but pure love and affection that bring people close together do. Therefore, I think everyone should make every effort to have a strong family with close bonds and a heartwarming atmosphere.

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