Mishaikh's Posts (486)

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156 Blogs on EC:

When I joined MyEC in October 2013, I didn't know this site very much, neither I was acquainted with any member, but since this type of site is not new for me, because prior to EC I joined another site of English learning, that site was also offering lessons for the learner, and there was no limitation to one language all the other major languages were also offered for the learners including Urdu, Arabic, and Farsi, but however, English also dominated there. There was another option on that site, and that was called Culture Page, where interested people could publish their writing efforts. I even did not know the term ‘blog or blogging’ very much. I got familiar with this term here in EC.

I started publishing my stories (blogs) here in EC, some are those which I posted on that culture page and they were become master piece of the Culture Page and most of the 156 Blogs which I posted here on EC are fresh. There include some which are not mine, but I liked most, and I have already referred that these are from my best friends on the other forum. I like the most here on EC is Tara’s monthly writing challenge, in which I continuously participated and liked by the moderators and the readers which is obvious from the comments I have in response of my blog postings.

So, so far my blogs have reached over one and a half century (156). I would like to say to my friends (they are 222 in my friend list) and members that writing is not as difficult as people think, it however, relates to the interest, when there is interest one should try to learn, for learning there comes writing and reading. When one has a reading habit, he or she does have the impact of writing they are reading. In Tara’s current writing challenge of June, number of new and old writers bucked up and within month their grip on the language English got even firmer.

I have contributed 45 blogs (including this 46). Every writer (Blogger) showing very good improvement in his or her writing. There is a motivation for the other members who are watching staying behind to come forward and show their efforts. For the target we need more blogs. So friends come forward and respond to the writing challenge.

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There may be thousands of lovers, but rarely there is one who is set on the level of a beloved.  How nice it is to make you feel complete that there is someone in a corner of this earth who thinks about you, cares about you in his solitude.  Your memory spreads a sweet smile on his face.  This is enough for me.

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The current century is experiencing the rapidly spanning the web of computer technology imbuing word wide as well as space. Computer craze caught on and they were introduced in educational institutions and industries. You now can not find a student without a laptop. It is apparently a “briefest” case, but the boy or a girl carries the entire word holding in his/her arm. I myself owe to use of internet because of which I am able to put my viewpoint on the topic under discussion before all of my EC friends as well as other members. Was that possible before the introduction this delicate but strong link between me and the world out there?  So great is the impact of this technology that we almost can not find many houses which do not have personal computers. It has become an integral part of our daily lives and changed the viewpoint of the people of difference nations, cast and creeds.  We owe to this technological advancement that now the people of two nations who are politically opponents, communicate with each other having no grudge or animosity. I would just add one more sentence before concluding my discussions and that is “there is cell phone besides computer” which has also changed the life of mankind. 

PS:  I could write double the size of this one taking help from avail info., but I avoided enabling readers not to get bored.

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It is essential part of fasting.  It is the meal taken before dawn (starting of fast).  This is not a mere meal, it is a blessing of Allah for those who eat with the intention of fasting that day and there is great reward for those who follow.  It’s timing is preferably in the last part of the night well before dawn.

Waking up at this time is very cumbersome, people however, arrange to get up at this time to eat sahri and gain the blessings of Allah.  Up to few years back there were volunteers who wander in the areas calling to wake up for sahri.  I remember in my childhood two blind men keep walking in our area and sang few lines in very impressive way.  First I will write Urdu version then try to translate for the readers:


Wake up, you have to wake up under the skies + if you die you will be sleeping till the dooms day under the mire.

The way they used to sing these two lines had hair raising impact at least upon me.  These type of volunteers have now gone and we will not see them again.

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Yesterday I was as busy as a bee, occupied throughout the day in my office.   I came back completely exhausted and wimpy.  The drag TV programs could not keep me awake for long and I didn’t know when I was zonk out.

I was floating high as a kite in my dream, feeling myself as light as a feather,  then all of a sudden I felt a sudden change in my surrounding, the room was filled with the similar fragrance. 

“How are you?” My heart started beating with pleasure, hearing her melodious voice; she was before me with all her beauty, pure as the driven snow. 

“You have come!”  There was a joyful tremble in my voice touch with a nervousness of a cat. 

“When you remember me, call, me and wait for me, why would I not come”.  There was an unspeakable, indescribable love in her voice……..the love which can only be felt. 

“Yes, you are here with me, but why I am not happy, why the fear of your getting away from me always overcomes the happiness of your company?”  

"Yes separation is the fate………………..as old as these hills, true love is not free as a bird, you have to seek it out in the nerves, in the mind, when it is found then you can just feel it running in your veins. Out there in the physical world it seems rather unbelievable. In the same way this is just your dream, you are dreaming me, imagining me.  Your belief is not very strong now, when it will become strong enough you will find me before your you alive…..in your world out of your imagination.  You believe in your imagination so I am here in your imagination………………..try to be firm, you will find me in your arms warm and alive………………..I was voiceless, seeing her once again turning into smoke……………..her sharp earful laugh was echoing all around.


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Description of weather of the week and how we react to it: (Just from my imagination)

Autumn is at the brink, farewelling the summer’s hot days. This week the weather is changing very uncertainly. On Monday, it was cold and cloudy. The girls were wearing hats and had umbrellas. Next day it was raining cats and dog, so most of the people were wearing rain coats. On Wednesday, the weather was very cold. The women were wearing sweaters. Today, (Thursday) it is raining again and the weather is very cold. I am wearing a coat and I also have an umbrella. Usually, people wear warm clothes when it is cold. For tomorrow, it is forecast that the weather will be warm and sunny. The boys will not wear hats.  They will wear sunglasses and for dresses they prefer light colours.   


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Describing hair style

The woman with long straight black hair is having lunch in a café with a bald man. There is also a couple with them. The girl has short blond hair, yes she does not have long hair while the boy is clean shaved.  I have long curly brown hair, and I feel that my hair is much nicer than that lady.  I do not like short blonde straight hair. Who is bald? Only the guy with the lady is bald. 

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A business Trip

Last week I went to another city on a business trip. I checked in at the hotel reception. After making all the necessary entries, the receptionist gave the card key of my room. I went to the room, and first thing I did was, I took a shower, then I ordered the room service to bring my lunch into my room, meanwhile I sat on the bed and worked on my laptop. I did not use hotel computer. While having my lunch I also got my working paper ready for the meeting I was going to attend. Then in the afternoon I left my room and went to my principal office for discussions.

I have given some suggestions only using my imaginations how all these aspect happen while we intend to write something.

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Learning of English

The main goal is fluency. Remember that you don't have to know many complex grammatical structures to achieve that goal. First of all try to speak as fluent as possible (even making some grammar mistakes). Then, after making  speaking fluent, you can focus on grammar aspects.

Many people think that knowing a lot of words is a key to fluent speaking. It's true. However, there are many people who have wide idiolect and problem with fluency. They try to learn more and more words because they think vocabulary is their problem. They don't realize the problem is somewhere else. They always try to use an exact translation of the word they want to use, but it causes that they often get stuck.

If you have the same problem remember that almost all words can be swapped by some other words. If you'll be speaking and suddenly stop, trying to get to your mind translation of some word, forget it_ Try to say what you have on mind in other words - practicing it is a real key to fluent English conversation_

 Of course, the best way of practice is English conversations with other people. You can find some people who want to talk to you online on our website. I recommend contacting with other person using communicator which provides voice chat (like Skype). However, in case you don't have the possibility to use such, it's better to practice by standard chatting than not practicing at all.

So the most important thing you have to remember is:

The more you practice, the more fluent your English speaking is.

 In my opinion, proper pronunciation is more important than that of proper accent or dialect. It would be better for you not to feel any hesitation and inferior when you find yourself unable to deliver the words in actual accent. This is not a big deal. You must have seen and heard the French or the Italian speaking English even they speak fluently, but their accent is of not that of American or British. The proper accent can only be achieved if we live amongst the native speakers. I have a number of nieces and nephews who born in USA and UK, these infants speak, in the same way because they have friends speaking the native language. The bottom line is that you should pay more attention than try to speak with a native accent. With the passage of time, it will itself improved. 

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Just only one scene, indicates a full life full of torturing pain of parting, but even though, sometimes meeting would be more torturing than parting, as parting after meeting, after uniting, is just a mere hell........no human can tolerate.....
Just as if saying for her lover "Do not feel sad for not meeting me, maybe seeing my tears in leaving tear you.........and I may bear my own pain.......but how could I bear yours.............."
Pyramids are great graves for kings,
So they can only meet at the shrines, at Pyramids, or one day at Taj Mahal.....as if seeking the way to go there.....to the other world where there will be no pain any more..................

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Sometimes we simply say ,”I am deleting you from my friends list, Or “I am deleting you from my life” .  So simple and plain words, but so sharp in cutting the heart.  I have heard these words from the one who claimed ones that she loved me out of all bounds, out of all normalcies, out of all norms and ethics of prevailing rule of love on earth.  I got steered, stared the screen of monitor in disbelief, tried hard to convince that there must be some misunderstanding, but all the if and buts of mine were rejected.  It took almost 2 years for me to believe. And one day it was sent to me in writing that ‘I AM DELETING YOU……………….  I have blogged the detail in my blog DELETED. Since then this sharp knife of BEING DELETED ins cutting me deep in my heart

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Following is the specimen of complaint I use to fax or e-mail to my service provider:

June 24, 2015


World Call service Center.


e-mail: worldcall@amentel.com







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One of my bad habit is that I can’t tolerate hot weather.  So when I am at home, I go to the wash room and soak myself (the entire body) and come back to sit under running fan.  It gives me relieve from the heat of the day, but at the same time it give be severe body pain at later time.  I throw my legs here and there on bed because of this pain, but I never stop soaking myself and sitting under the running fan, or under A/c.  It is a bad habit.  Isn’t it?

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Karachi is sizzling with heat, last Friday 45 Celsius, record after a decade.  The problem is this that there is no difference in day and night temperature.  There is no significant drop of temperature during night. So far over 1000 deaths have been recorded because of heat stroke. I have just seen a peon of ours in the office, he was having canola attached to his hand.  I asked him what happened.  He told that last evening he fell unconscious because of dehydration, and broke his fast, (It is allowed in such circumstances to break the fast before time and not observe fasting pending to do at a later better time when health permits).  He was  hospitalized and treated.  He came just to inform that he will going back home to rest.  I am in my office and because of the heat the A/C not working properly or not working at all.  But duty is duty.  I am having fast at the moment to.  Let’s see what happen, hope for better.  Though temperature has fallen now from 45 on Friday to 37 Celsius today (Wednesday), but the feel of temperature is still over 40 in spite it is 37 or 38.  Pray for Karachities.  We need rain tremendously.  Pray for this, too.  

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It is always not bad what looks bad!

“God knows well when this boy will realize his responsibilities. It’s midnight and he isn’t home yet.” Asad’s mother was talking to herself. She was very much worried about his son Asad who was not very attentive with his studies; rather he used to stay out with his friends late in the night.  Asad’s father works in Dubai therefore, Asad paid no heed to his mother’s reprimands. That night, he once again was very late.

At about one o’clock in the night the door bell rang.  Mrs. Junaid (Asad’s mother) rushed and opened the door. He was standing there very indifferently.  “Is this the time to come home? Asad when you will realize to behave like a gentleman. I am telling you for the last time your attitude is intolerable.  I’ll write to your father all about your activities and how you are wasting your precious time with those hoodlums.” “Mother! Don’t call my friends hoodlums.  They all are good friends.” Asad retorted.  “I know how good they are! Mrs. Junaid Snapped. “At least let me come in

“Is this the time to come home? Asad when you will realize to behave like a gentleman. I am telling you for the last time your attitude is intolerable.  I’ll write to your father all about your activities and how you are wasting your precious time with those hoodlums.” “Mother! Don’t call my friends hoodlums.  They all are good friends.” Asad retorted.  “I know how good they are! Mrs. Junaid Snapped. “At least let me come in

“Mother! Don’t call my friends hoodlums.  They all are good friends.” Asad retorted.  “I know how good they are! Mrs. Junaid Snapped. “At least let me come in

“At least let me come in, mother.” Mrs. Junaid moved aside. “You must decide whether you behave yourself, leave all these friends and pay all your attention to your studies or I will call your father right now.” “Mother this is not the time for all this.” “No! Asad, you are stubborn and going out of hand day by day. Are these the manners of good boys? I am ashamed of you.” “Go to your bed and think over it. I will listen in the morning what you have decided.”

Mrs. Junaid moved aside. “You must decide whether you behave yourself, leave all these friends and pay all your attention to your studies or I will call your father right now.” “Mother this is not the time for all this.” “No! Asad, you are stubborn and going out of hand day by day. Are these the manners of good boys? I am ashamed of you.” “Go to your bed and think over it. I will listen in the morning what you have decided.”

“Mother this is not the time for all this.” “No! Asad, you are stubborn and going out of hand day by day. Are these the manners of good boys? I am ashamed of you.” “Go to your bed and think over it. I will listen in the morning what you have decided.”

“No! Asad, you are stubborn and going out of hand day by day. Are these the manners of good boys? I am ashamed of you.  Go to your bed and think over it. I will listen in the morning what you have decided.”

Asad was lying on his bed and was very angry with his mother.  He was also afraid if his father be told of all this.  He would outrage.  Asad at once got off the bed and sneaked out of the room. He was standing outside few seconds’ later, thinking, where to go.  Then he was walking on the road thinking to which friend he should go.  All at once there came a Hi roof, stopped near him, the car’s door slid open and Asad was pulled into the car by some strong hands.  One hand was clutched over his mouth. He was struggling desperately to get himself free. The other man started to beat him very badly.  He got blows and punches on his face, ribs stomach, He fell unconscious.

When he came into senses again he found himself lying crouched in the corner of a semi-lit room.  His body was aching in pain. They had savagely beaten him to get control over him.

Asad was lying there, thinking why these people have kidnapped him. They may have called his family and demanded a huge sum of money for ransom.  But how could his mother be able to arrange such huge amount of money.

“I must try if only I could get a chance to get out of here." He thought desperately.  He struggled hard to stand.  His legs were trembling. He stopped at once.  There was a sound of a key turning in the door lock. The door opened and there entered two men.  They grabbed Asad.

“Wa..what are you doing, what do you want from me?” Asad stammered. 

“We don’t know.  Come with us.”  They replied. All of a sudden there was a great hustle bustle and groups of policemen entered the house from all side.  The kidnappers tried to run, but they were overpowered.

Asad saw there were his friends also with the police.

“It’s all okay now Asad!” “They shouted seeing him.

After some routine work at the police station, Asad’s friend took him to his home, where his mother was very much worried. She was crying when she did not find Asad in his room. Asad’s friends told her all what have happened.

It was lucky that after dropping Asad they were having drinks at a roadside café near Asad house.  They saw him coming out of the house and how he was kidnapped.  They followed the Hi-roof and at the same informed the police on a cell phone. The police reached in time and rescued Asad from the culprits.

After that Asad’s mother realized that it is not always bad what looks bad.






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Objects, animals, and people are all the offspring of Nature. Mankind is the most superior of all the creatures, and when created all the angels were ordered to prostrate before it. There were all creatures on earth prior to Man. Some think that there were Jins on earth and when God decided to place Adam on earth, the Jins were removed, and Mother Earth was decorated with all the beauties of Nature. Beautiful trees with the prettiest flowers of all colors were planted on earth. The earth was cleaned of all the unwanted objects to make it livable for the man. Mountains were erected. There are all kinds of mountains, from high to the highest, rivers and seas from deep to the deepest, animals from smallest to the largest. Like I said earlier, it is said that (only an idea which may be controversial) all of creation came into being prior to the creation of mankind. The point is, why Adam was created last, and why he was declared to be superior to all other creations. The answer to this is simple, THE CHIEF GUEST ALWAYS COMES LAST.

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 I am in my bedroom. At the moment, I am sitting on the chair of a computer table and facing computer. My computer table is set near a window. Outside the window, it gives me a view of houses, trees, streets spreading before me and seems to go yonder. The view starts from near to far diminishing the things gradually.  On my left there is the door of the washroom. On my right, my wardrobe is standing. On the left of my behind, I have dressing table while at the back there is my bed by the side of which at a distance of at least ten feet there is entrance door.

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I want to open another page of the book of my life. It is about SAHR. She was very sweet and simple girl. She was introduced to me by my niece to teach her.

There is not anything romantic in this story, but want to show you a different compressed characteristic personality (it is because of our typical society, I assume such things do not occur in European societies).

As I said that she was very simple, but the unusual thing with her was that she frequently asked me very innocently, “Sir! Are you as a brother to me?”

First when she asked me this I was a bit shocked, because there was no reason to ask this.

She repeatedly asked this question from me, even sometimes 2 or 3 times in just one sitting. Whenever she asked, I looked at her, and always found a hidden wish in her beautiful large black eyes that she wanted “NO” for an answer, and when I said “Yes” a dark shade of dejection coming out from her eyes and spreading on her innocent face could never hid from me.

One day in the morning there was a knock at my door, and when I opened it I was very surprised to see her standing there in her uniform holding the books in hands, with all the gloom in her eyes.

“How come you are here? What happened?” I asked letting her in. She at once started crying. This was another uncommon thing with her. When she cried, the tears fell down from her eyes were of double the size than normal.

“Sir you come with me to my college, the principal is not releasing my admit card for exams” She was still crying.

“But why?” I asked.

She started to cry even more, “Sir, she thinks that I am a bad girl and run away from college bunking the periods with boys live in the next door Medical College Hostel.”

“ You know Sir that I am not a bad girl, I never do this what she thinks.” “There is another girl having same name as mine, she use to run away with these boys”

She paused to have breath, I asked, “But why did you come to me and not go to your brother to help you out?”

“No I won’t tell them, they will be angry with me. Sir please you come with me, you know I am not bad girl” The large tears again rolled down from her eyes.

“But what I will tell the principal, who am I?” I asked her.

“Tell her whatever you want, tell her you are my teacher or you are my brother!”

Again there were same emotions in her eyes, wishing not to hear a “YES” for an answer, this time mixed with tears.

“Ok, I will see your principal, but not now. Tomorrow, now you must go to home, I will come in the evening to teach you, Ask Zohair (Her twin brother) to stay at home. I would have to talk to him.

In the evening I told the entire situation to Zohair and asked to come with me to see the Principal.

Next day in the morning we both reached the college, sAHR was there standing at the gate. I asked her “Is other Sahr here?”

“There she is” She pointed towards a sports car. She was in the car with her boyfriend.”

“Go and bring her, I want to talk to her”. I asked Sahr, she went to the car and spoke to the girl inside, then came back to me and said “She is not coming and said she does not want to talk to anybody, and Sir, the boy with her has a gun!”

“Ok let’s go inside.” I said and went inside with Zohair.

Zohair was a very handsome boy. He had a charming personality, which, the hustle bustle around us proved it was true.

“You wait here outside.” I said to Sahr and went inside”

The principal of the college had a very graceful personality. When I told her the purpose of our visit she retorted at once,

“Now you get conscious, and got the time, do you know what your sister is doing in this college, do you have any idea?”

I strongly hold Zohair’s knee keeping him quiet, because he was ready to burst out.

“Madam I am the brother of Sahr, there must be some misunderstandings,” I was speaking very politely,

“We never leave our sister alone. This is my younger brother Zohair. This is his duty to drop and pick Sahr to and from college so it is not possible for her to go anywhere from the college. I have inquired from her the whole story. There is another girl of the same name. I have seen her outside. My sister is not of that type and since she has heard this she is continuously crying and now she does not want to continue her education here in your college.”

However, I convinced the principal and asked her to come out and see the girl and her armed boyfriend.

The lady apologized and asked me to send Sahr to her while we were going out.

So this was the story not so romantic, but the sharp eyes and a tender heart can see and feel that the same was there but in a different form.

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Every child is born with god gifted instinctive intelligence. He has natural inborn tendency to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training. He has the sense that makes him choose to act in a particular way. When he sees his mother’s face, he smiles.  He has the intelligence to recognize his mother. He feels the warmth of his mother’s love. He cries when he feels pain or hunger. When his stomach is full, he turns his face away from milk. Similarly, a child’s inborn intelligence gives him the sense of fear, joy or sorrow.  However, all these intelligence bestowed upon him by nature is of some limitation. His intelligence gradually nurtures as he grows up and as per his environment.

As a child grows up, he learns to mumble words and name spoken to him by his mother or other near ones.  He also learns to name the things he sees. Then his schooling comes. He goes outside in a bigger world than his home, where he is taught to learn how to read and write. There he also gets the chance to nurture his intelligent quotient by playing with toys of certain shapes and setting some puzzles.

At the same time, he also learns how to behave and act in his home with parents and other households. His personality and character nurtured by his training and education given to him by his parents, teachers and other elders. He learns the norms of his family’s customs and tradition as well as the traditions of his society to which he belongs.

The positive and negative impacts on his intelligence, whether an individual bears a high average or low intelligence, depend upon the environment he is living in. If the environment is healthy and civilized, then most of the chances are that an individual living in such environment will have a great intelligence and strong character, which plays a positive role in the society. It may happen vice verse in case an individual does not have a healthy and civilized environment. In such case, the intelligence developed is of an average or low level. However, it may miraculously have some exceptional cases.

In conclusion, we may say that a human being has some inborn intelligence. Most of the adult and mature part of his life, the intelligence he has is nurtured; the intelligence he develops by training, knowledge and learning from his environment. From this, he chooses his career and ways through which he would be of any help for the development of his nation.





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Ablution (Ritual washing taken before prays):

We always make ablution before prays. To make ablution following acts are done:

1)      Both hands are washed three times up to wrists. The spaces between fingers are also washed.

2)      Mouth is gargled three times and the teeth are brushed with Miswak, toothbrush or rubbed with the index finger of right hand.

 3)      Nose is washed and cleaned from inside with small finger of left hand.

 4)      Face is washed three times from the upper edge of the forehead to the chin. If anyone has a beard, he has to wash it by combing with the wet finger of hands so that the skin is soaked.

 5)      Both hands are washed three times. First right hand from the wrist down to the elbow, keeping the hand upright and elbow downward, and wipe the hand with the left-hand palm from the wrist down to the elbow. Then the left hand is washed in the same way with the palm of right hand.

This is a very hygienic way and you may have seen that the surgeons wash their hand in this way before going to do an operation.

6)      Next we make Masah. We soak our hands and put the three fingers of both the hands on forehead and swipe backward on hairs to wet them and get forward but this time with palm of both sides of head, circling both index fingers inside of both the ears, rubbing back side of the ears with thumbs, then rub both sides of the neck with back side of palms from backward to forward.

European scientists have made research on this part of Ablution and concluded that   by doing so regularly the person in practice will never suffer any disease/fever relating to the neck.

7)      Then we wash our both feet. First right and then left. During the washing, the spaces between the fingers of feet are also washed with the help of small finger. European scientists have also researched that by washing the space between the finger of hands and feet blood pressure remain in control.  

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