Jean Chang's Posts (2)

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Sorry, my lovely Ban.ban

Yesterday,I took my dog - Ban to my friends house. She has a big and crazy dog which named - Lucky. At first I thaught they will be friendly to each other, but things are always not like not. They had a fight for dog snake(milk bone),Ban is much more tiny than Lucky so he had been beaten.I was terrified! at the moment I thought Ban would die!Fortunately,my friend Banjemin took them apart from each other!Thank God!Ban is fine , except for some injury on his back.I am so sorry to him, and I feel guity, cuz it's I ,took him to the dange.He must hate me, swear I will never let my darling in such a severe chase , I will protect you no matter what!
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I am in the island.

OH my god!! Last night, I dreamed that I was in the same island as "Lost", and I kissed "Sayid"! He tasted a little bit salty...but he's really gentle anyway! Oh my god , what kinda dream it is! I never like him in the,then why I dreamed of him?Wooooo, I must lost my mind! I even feel sweet when I get up this morning. It's must because he is really gentle in my dream!DON'T LAUGH,I say!!!!!!
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