Happy's Posts (3)

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Religion, God & Spirituality - I

Religion, God & Spirituality

Which came first?

If you could answer it correctly, I am sure you are more spiritual than religious. A person who could correctly differentiate religion and spirituality only can answer it correctly. Unfortunately most of my friends are thinking both are same  L.

A person could be spiritual without even following any religion.

Wait, please think a couple of minute and define what religion is? What spirituality is? Even you know well please do think once again before reading further.

And my answer is, spirituality came first, God came second and at last religion born in our mankind’s brain.

Have you ever questioned yourself, who created these all?  Why It/she/he created all these?  If someone or something have created all of these then how it was created?

If your answer is yes you have spiritual thoughts. And the answers given by your own religion is not enough to satisfy you logical mind than you are more spiritual than religious.

Even a rational atheist may have spiritual hunger, but am not sure about animals. Do monkeys have GOD? Also am sure NOT all the atheists are rationalist.

Our ancestors and even most of us are not able to be 100% rationalist. Their spiritual logical thinking stops at a point. There they start to believe God.

God or Gods?

My answer would be “GOD”

But I never become fool enough to ask rest of the world to see the God as same as I see the God. Everyone have their own feeling and taste. Also their spiritual hunger also varies lot. Some may feel enough with single piece of Pizza. But even fore pieces may not enough for someone.

Who is right? Is it right to force the first person to eat more pieces? Or is it right force first person to stop with first piece?

Everyone have their own perspective about their own God.

But a community may have few common opinions about their Gods. So they can become a society with a common god and they may create some common rituals and ceremonials to worship their God in a common way.  The rituals and ceremonials would be based on their environment, climate condition, available foods and available animals. Also it would base on their common fears, requirements and vulnerabilities.  Because these things are mainly affects their lifestyle.  

What will happen if two different societies from two different environments happened to meet in a common place?

They have to give a name to their rituals and lifestyle, right? Here comes religion.

To be a part of religion you don’t need to be spiritual. Even some religion doesn’t have God too. Communism is a religion without God J .  Because most of them believing and following it’s concepts as rituals without questioning it.  

I wish to write more on this in “Religion, God & Spirituality – II”

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Super Power

Most of you guys know well about Alexander the Great. Yes, am talking about the Greek who born in Athens and won all most all Europe and made invasion into Asia. He had spent just 32 years only in this earth. But still we all remember him. See today, 2338 years later I am writing about him. Just imagine the impact of that Great Greek king in the History of our entire Mankind. Could you tell me a personality who had lived before or during the period of Alexander and have fame like him?

While I was young I thought alexander was a Christine. I was surprised when came to know that he had born 300 years before the Jesus Christ. After that only I have studied about Greeks and their Culture.

Not only Alexander, the Greek soil has given births to many historical heroes. I could name few of them: Leonidas, Achilles, Socrates, Plato (Student of Socrates), Aristotle (Student of Plato and Our Alex’s Master).

They Introduced democracy to our ancestors. And they had accumulated more knowledge about science to the brain of Humanity. With the negligible small force they had stopped the giant and brutal Xerxes force. They had trade root from Europe to south most part of India.

Even today, in many of our cultures have Impact of Greeks and their culture. Not only in culture even in modern Science. The interesting example is “Trojan horse” worm in computer. It affects computer exactly as how “Trojan horse” impacted the Troy in Trojan War.

Now, in these resent days, is that great Greek soil drained out of nutrition? What happened to the great culture which delivered many geniuses to our humanity?

What happened to the world’s first Super Power today?

Would this similar thing happen to today’s Super Powers on tomorrow? 

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