
    • Mam I'm Dilshan I'm form Sri Lanka' I have lack of English Speaking skill So I need to improve .. So I wanna Ask you DO u have Skype ? IF u have it dilsan23 it's my Id Please mam add me I wanna talk with you at least 10 minutes or  7 minutes .. 

    • Dear Sony! I think you feel nervous because you are not confident of what you say and you are afraid to misunderstand a person you talk to. It is a natural state for the intermediate students who don't have enough spoken practice.It may also be a result of your personal shyness. Anyway, to overcome this feeling, it is better to start practicing with your friends or people you know  and trust. It should help you get rid of embarrasement. It is great if their native language is the same as yours while their English is advanced or better. If speaking with your compatriots doesn't make you nervous, try to speak to natives. English native speakers are polite, patient people and they will appreciate your attemps learning their language and will always encourage you. To make a long story short, you should be more confident. The idea of oral personal communication is to understand each other. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you ask to correct you, people will do it. So, what you need is more confidence and more practice.
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  • Hello friend,

    I want to improve my english speaking skills.. Can you please help me. I appreciate your acceptance... Thanks
  • Hello

    I am anew member in English club , I want to improve my English

    best regards
  • thanks you.
    I hope you can help me to improve English skills.
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