Have you ever felt repented that you took unwise decisions in your life especially in important point like marriage because you wanted to take long time thinking about to marry or to be single and what would happen if you failed in that marriage after some time ?And does marriage affect negativley on your friendship with other people whom you consider best friends for you

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  • Dear Salem,
    I am truly surprised how you could come up with this type of questions. :) That's a lot of questions. ^_^

    You can take your time thinking whether you should marry or remain as single. Whatever your decision is I think that's the best for you.
    There are marriages that failed because of some unacceptable situations that took place in ones married life. What had happened to others has no connection to your life but, you can look at that to prepare yourself, just so to know and understand the problems that might come along the way when you decide to marry. Just asked yourself if you could be a responsible person, or could you be true or honest and so on...
    I think, things won't have negative effect if you will try to open up things with her.
    Hoping my replies are clear.
    Good luck!
  • Have you ever felt repented that you took unwise decisions in your life especially in important point like marriage because you wanted to take long time thinking about to marry or to be single and what would happen if you failed in that marriage after some time ?
    And does marriage affect negativley on your friendship with other people whom you consider best friends for you

    { I thought I'd fix it up for you}
    The first sentence is too long. Have you ever felt repentant because you made an unwise decision in your life? Did you take too long thinking about whether to marry or not? What would happen if your marriage failed after a while?
    And does marriage negatively your friendships with other people, even your best friends?
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