
In every place we find Ads.Sometimes i found there's no relationship between the things which the Ads are about ,for example:I watched a very nice Ads about the effect of love on human race and the importance of be united also talk about the women right to be equal with men..At first time i thought it's human rights Ads but at the last of this Ads i found that it was a commercial Ad about Gas company! *Do you watch Ads which is irrelevant?*Do the Ads affect you and make you buy things?

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  • Hi Sara,
    Very nice comment.I Glad to hear it.Have a great day.

    sara bennani said:
    hello kamel ,
    Ads are everywhere we can't avoid them they are in the Tv , magazine, newspapers and even in the bus... Does ads make me want to go out and buy something I don't need? No. Obviously, it affects us all when it brings our attention to a new product. I agree with saso ads influences how people spend their money , by affecting the psychology of the consumer people will buy those product in order to feel good about themselves , sometimes the way they present the product make people so curious to know how it taste , so they play on the psychology. as you said sometimes we will find that their is no relation without the ads and what they are speaking about , it's just a way to bring the viewers attention .
    thanks for the question
    have a nice time
  • Hi Saso,
    I'm glad to hear all this awarness.I agree with you there's nothing can make buy unimportant things.Thanks for your comment.

    Saso said:
    hello Kame ,

    Thats a real bothering thing , we have alot of these ads which always hide different thing . This kind of ads always make people feel stupid to spend alot of money for having these goods . For me , I dont trust such these commercials ,because i always feel that there is something will be different and away from the ad itself . Alot of the commercials aim at making people interest and pay alot of money for it which help to earn alot of success and fame .
    By my nature i dont give alot of my antention to these Ads, that does not deserve to be considered .

    Thanx kamel for sharing ,
    Thax really nice topic .
    Have a nice day
  • hello kamel ,
    Ads are everywhere we can't avoid them they are in the Tv , magazine, newspapers and even in the bus... Does ads make me want to go out and buy something I don't need? No. Obviously, it affects us all when it brings our attention to a new product. I agree with saso ads influences how people spend their money , by affecting the psychology of the consumer people will buy those product in order to feel good about themselves , sometimes the way they present the product make people so curious to know how it taste , so they play on the psychology. as you said sometimes we will find that their is no relation without the ads and what they are speaking about , it's just a way to bring the viewers attention .
    thanks for the question
    have a nice time
  • hello Kame ,

    Thats a real bothering thing , we have alot of these ads which always hide different thing . This kind of ads always make people feel stupid to spend alot of money for having these goods . For me , I dont trust such these commercials ,because i always feel that there is something will be different and away from the ad itself . Alot of the commercials aim at making people interest and pay alot of money for it which help to earn alot of success and fame .
    By my nature i dont give alot of my antention to these Ads, that does not deserve to be considered .

    Thanx kamel for sharing ,
    Thax really nice topic .
    Have a nice day
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