The origin of Vampires legend!

New research suggests that the vampirebeings that suffered a gentic disease, late in the Middle Ages. A certain scientist, Dr David H. Dolphin, had been researching the myth of vampires for a long while, when he stumbled upon this interesting fact.In his paper, Dr Dolphin had advanced the theory that vampires are actually normal people who suffered from one class of incurable hereditary diseases, known commonally as porphyrias--of which there are at least 8. Porphyrias is a slight malfunction in the bodies chemicals and sufferers become afflicted with the same symptoms as the fabled "vampires". Their bodies usually became grotesquely disfigered, and they had extreme sensitivity to an forms of natural/unnatural light (even the exposure to sunlight had patients' bodies left with sores and scars).Sometimes, the patient's fingers would fall off, and resemble that of animal claws. Lips and gums would stretch so that the teeth would become more pronouced, of course giving a resemblance to the vampire bat.Dr Dolphin concluded, that because of this, victims would only venture out at night, and also may grow their hair long as it was protect against the deadly night. And--most controversially of all--he argued that porphyria victims in the past instictively sought the haeme their bodies lacked, by biting and sucking the blood of others.Today, people suffering from this disease can just take a simple needle daily, weekly, or whenever it is needed, and they are set, but when looking at all of this back in the Dark Ages, one only has to see the uproar it would bring amoungest the supersitious socities of our past. Victims suffering the disease were usually located in concerntrated parts of Europe and the world--thus, bringing the fabled myths and ledgends from Translyvainia.

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  • Thanks for the information. ^_^ (wondering now if there's truth to this...)
    I hope Kamel would drop by to answer this. :( I regret to read this. :(
  • Hi Emilie,
    Thanks for your nice comment.Have a nice day.

    Emilie said:
    Hi Kamel:
    Thanks alot for your topic..It's lovely... I like these new information...Have a nice day..

  • Hi reem,
    Thanks a lot for your comment.yes we should read about many legends.Have a nice time.

    reem ali said:
    Hi Kamel
    This fantastic topic. I liked it so much. I will read more about that. Thanks alot.
  • Hi Kamel:
    Thanks alot for your topic..It's lovely... I like these new information...Have a nice day..

  • Hi Kamel
    This fantastic topic. I liked it so much. I will read more about that. Thanks alot.
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