
  • Hi Favio,

    I pray with you to save this world and make us all live in peace.Thanks for these noble feelings.
    So long
  • Hi people.
    we feel sad when we see people living in gaza suffering that terrible situation, we feel sad when we see people living in Africa Continent, Liberia, Sierra Leona, Ivory Coast, Sudan, etc. suffering and recovering from un unexplicable civil war, we feel sad when we see people living in Haiti or East Timor suffering poverty every day. We are all brothers and sister in front of God and we all must have a dignity life. I pray for all my brothers and sisters who are suffering because of unnecesary war the word. God bless them for ever.
  • Hi Emilie,

    I think all human- if they are really human should sympathy with these poor people.May God help them all.Thanks for your nobel feelings.
  • Hello Kamel:
    I feel very sad when I see our brothers,sisters there in Gaza suffering ..I pray for them to have peace soon...It is something sad and this video makes me feel very sad for them..Thanks Kamel for sharing this with us,..
  • Hi everyone,
    thanks for all your nice comments.I think we should support people on Gaza as much as we can. and like Saso said they will not go down.
  • Hello Kamel ,

    I want to thank you for your great work for Gaza ..

    Palestinians in Gaza are like birds in a big cage .. we can not move anywhere ,but i know that we will not go down or give up .. even if we are alone , we will do impossible and get our home again ..

    Thanx again partener
  • My dear friend Alkhayem, I don´t know very well the story about GAZA, maybe you are right that Gaza belongs to Palestina since always, but nowadays, People who are living in that special piece of ground are suffering a lot because of the terrible and sad current situation. The matter is that people from either government, who are in charge to solve the situation, have to make an agreement to solve it in a short period of time in order to stop murders and bad conditions of life.
    I think that all people have the rights to live in good conditions.!!!
  • we know that people want to have the reason allways, but Gaza is a special piece of ground that belong to nobody, so people must sit or have a meeting to try to solve it in talking meeting not with bomb or fighting ones againts others. We need more peace in our beautiful word.
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