Idioms from movies

I like watching movies so much not just for fun rather for learning language.I picked you two nice idioms that we can use in our speech:Tit for tatRepayment in kind, retaliation, as in If he won't help with the beach clean-up, I won't run a booth at the bake sale; that's tit for tat. This term is believed to be a corruption of tip for tap, which meant "a blow for a blow." Its current form dates from the mid-1500s.rock n rollTerm that is often used as an enthusiastic response to a question or proposal.Bill:"You wanna hit the pub after work?"Pauly:"Rock n roll!"

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  • Hi Kamel:
    Very lovely topic. I like to watch movies too. I learned through them many words and idioms. It's a very helpful way. Thanks alot. Have a nice day.

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