Do you tell ......?

    When sometimes tell your problems to people online or not ,do you expect  they respond to you and start solve them  or at least give suggestions about the good ways to git rid of them ?

  Did you tell some day yours publicly ?

 How many did and  get the good thoughts that helped you to solve your problems ?

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  • Salem!!

     Maybe one day you shocked by neglecting of poeple whom avoided oppressively of your problem when you were in zenith of help to them and their suggestions, but that does not mean the only way to punish them, is to tomble our hardship innerly. On contract, you should take something in your mind which is no one solves the other problems whilst he or she pushes and upholdes by several tools so as to encourage you face your problem not solve it in stead of you, beside, don't threw the responsabilities on them because they even did not share you with proposes may open your mind in a solution!!, but as for my opinion, i think when i share someone in my delimma, here im not waiting for his help but im showing my exprience while im seeking some solutions myself, and if they impose some ways may help me, i welcome and take them seriouly. Otherwise, when we failed to achieve something or overstep our toubles we start to endure others our consequences without looking purely and sincerly to the real cause.

    I hope Salem don't wait others help you, because if that, you will be always standing on poeple suggestion not yours, althought your problem is individual, so the only one knows deeply the details of it is yours. Hence, the poeple around you experience from your journey or sufferance, and may help you by many appartus and there are who never help you acause his or her circumstances:)

    Hope i have reached you my idea accurately.

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