Come out of Your Shyness

Is being shy a trait one is born with?No, it is acquired. A person becomes shy when he does not accept himself. And because he can’t accept himself he fears that others will not accept him and he withdraws into his shell.Why would a person not accept himself?For various reasons. Probably due to adverse remarks made about his shortcomings by his parents, siblings, peers or members of the opposite sex. Physical drawbacks like being very short or dark or having some deformity like a harelip etc. can also cause shyness.Is there anything good to be said about shyness?It may make others around you feel superior and so they may like you for it. Mild shyness can also be mistaken for humility. But all in all, shyness is not good for anyone. It is an inhibiting factor and stands in the way of self-development.How can one overcome shyness?Some people outgrow their shyness but in some people it becomes more acute and has to be tackled and eliminated. One way to do this is by understanding and accepting one’s weaknesses. Self-analysis can help one to become aware of what caused the shyness. Daring to do whatever one is shy of doing can also help overcome shyness. For instance a boy who is shy of girls should make it a point to go out of his way to talk to girls. Lastly one should try to become aware of one’s good points.How can parents help out?Parents should accept the shortcomings of their children. Only then will children be able to accept their own shortcomings. Parents should make their children aware of their positive qualities.Why does shyness affect girls more than boys?Probably because they are brought up differently and are given lesser opportunities than boys. There is also the cultural factor. Girls are expected to be shy and coy.

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  • I forgot to tell you that accepting the shyness is good ,but the point is to be strong even with shyness . Everyone needs to be shy ,but not too much which can lead to be alone and lose your self and lifes opporitunities ...

    Keep strong ^_^
  • Hi Zahra..
    First thanx for commenting here ..
    understanding and accepting one’s weaknesses makes the person know his abilities and act according to that , i mean when you accept yourself whatever you are then trust it you will overcome your weakness and shyness .
    My dear you need to speak up and be your self , do not make your shyness takes away alot of opporitunities on your life , try to use every moment to approve that your are here ^_*

    Go Ahead dear >>

    Good luck
  • hi dear
    once you said this as a point which can help one overcome his/her shyness:"understanding and accepting one’s weaknesses"
    so what about accepting SHYNESS as a weakness and accepting it? is it good or makes the shyness worse?
    thanks for your useful topic and i will be thankful to you if you help me overcome my shyness:)
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