
  • It's not about the options, it's just about how you respond to change.

    Good luck

    skype: gamondeluxe


  • Simple life is silent, regular...

    Busy life is hot, quick, irregular...


    But simple life is not interesting for me. It's boring.

    I can do something very quickly, because I'm in it. I may decide to go to other country tomorrow. I may work hard all day and all night when I resolve difficult task. It's interesting for me. It's my life. It's me.

  • In my opinion, I would like the busy life. It helps me feel that I was an useful people for my family and social. However, sometimes I like a simple life, not have complicated problems, I would live happy and simply, not worry about anythings. The last, I think that busy life or simple life, It depends on the way you think about your life. Let have positive thoughts

    I'm very happy to make friend with every body to improve my English

    Hello ^^

  • Hi friend,

    As for me, I choose now a simple life, because I wanna have time with my family.

    But when I was young, I want to make money for living, so I chose a busy life, I started work

    at 8.30 a.m to 11.00 p.m or more , I hardly have time for relaxation.

    However, I still think that if it possible you should have time for yourself among busy time.



  • I prefer busy life. When I'm busy I have time for more things than I would be free. Because when I'm free I lose my time and do nothing.
  • Some people live busy life to save money for further simple life. What do you mean under simple life?
  • busy and simple. depends on...:)


  •  Simplicity is required in every diffrent field of life corner.Life does not need to be complicated ,because this kind of living leads to making mistakes ,getting diseases..etc that nobody want to have .

    If you were in tough situation ,you should rethink about the bad results that can be obtained ,so when you think in frightened way on the bases of your life is in danger then you will be in safe.

  • Hi alll my friends :

    I think the busy life is more important for us as a young cause when you be busy this make your brain and body activity and you will cannot waste yor time.

  • Hi friends,

    i think that choosing either living busy or simple life depends:

    First, on our tastes;that means that if we like having full time and working all the time.Because, i know some peoples who don't like a free time and tey are udes to be active all the time.

    Secondlly, on our needs and our conditions; somtimes we have to work even we don't like in order to fulfill our needs(money)

    So, i think that not all people have the ability to choose what they prefer :)



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