About slang

Hi, what do think about slang?I don't think that slang is something terrible, but I don't use it myself.What's your opinion?Tell me, what do you prefer : "Wh r u doin'?" or "What are you doing?"

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  • I consider slang is good because it is one of the lovely features of American English. The use of slang is only proper for speaking and it is not good to be applied in academic writing. However, in the chat room, the slang can be used because the situation is not formal. I always say Thank ya as instead of thank you. If you do not want to practice it, do not worry because that is your choice. I have to admit that the use of slang can make my conversation with my friend becomes more enjoyable than it used to be. That's why I like to use many kinds of slang in conversation...I prefer Wh r u doin in this case hehehehe...(speaking situation only) and What are you doing (academic writing situation)

    Best regards...Thank ya
  • Hi ...
    Nice topic ...Well,I was not used to that kind of writing until I started to chat ...The more I used the chat room ,the more I got to know about shorthands and it affected my writings a lot ...
    As I can see ,our dear teacher Melanie mentioned that this kind of writing is not suitable ...I do agree ....But when we use in writings or in the chat room ,we mean to be more informal and closer to spoken language ...and it never means that we are lazy printing the words in their original and correct style ...Just to look more friendly ! It is what I think ....
    But I have noticed that some people overuse shorthands and this is not good at all ...I ,though sometimes I use shorthands such as "ya" ,never say "d" instead of "the" ...It doesn't look nice really ...I never prefer "Wh r u doin " to "What are you doing ?" ...But if it is in the chat room or I want to look more friendly and close to spoken English ,it is OK to shorten some words ,but not ALL...
    I do agree with Melanie ...It is not appropriate to use such shorthands in writing letters to our boss ,co worker ,or someone we don't know ...But if we want to look more friendly and informal ,as long as the other person likes it ,we can include some such words ...But we should always remember that overusing it ,never looks nice ...Besides ,our audience may have difficulty perceiving what we are saying ,and as Melanie said ,they may get headaches ...

    Nice topic ...
    Thanks a lot for sharing with us ...
    Have a nice time
  • this is my opinion.someone people use that slang in conversation many time .it will make the people around when talking estrange.it speaks of a lack of culture in human society today.
    i thinks the slang not good for you and me.so what do you think about stress ?and when you stress what are you doing?
  • yes.. such kind of shortcuts can be acceptable in chat rooms or when you are chatting with your closed ones. When you come to profession or talking with outers, its not the best to use shortcuts.
    Also if you use shortcuts more, by chance there is a possibility of doing the same while working or sending emails at Office.
    So better not to addict to shortcuts.

  • Hi Simona,
    I don't like at all the usage of such a language in written form,I think one should use a proper English,especially ESL lerners.
    Maybe in the chatroom it's acceptable,but outside it's nonsense for me.
    (For me it's crap.)
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