Prepare Your PDA for Cold Weather

Prepare Your PDA for Cold WeatherTake Precautions to Protect Your PDAWhether we like it or not, many of us must face winter and colder temperatures every year. Here are a few tips to help keep your PDA in great shape during the colder months.Charge Your PDA FrequentlyCold temperatures can drain your PDA’s battery more quickly than warmer temperatures. Use your laptop to charge your PDA while traveling, or dock it in the cradle while at your desk.Handle With CareIf your device is cold, be sure to handle it with extra care. The display cover can become brittle when exposed to cold temperatures for long periods of time.Keep It WarmIt’s best to keep your PDA away from extreme temperatures. If possible, avoid leaving your PDA outside pocket or backpack or in the car since prolonged exposure can affect the device’s screen. When you’re outside in cold weather, carry your PDA in an inside jacket pocket so it is close to your body for warmth. Should you forget and accidentally leave your PDA in the cold for many hours, let it warm up gradually, don’t try to warm it quickly.

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