The peaceful youth revolution since started in Yemen at 11 febraury demanding to change the corrupted regime ,Tawakal Karman,the young lady shared in this revolution to end pains of majority of yemeni poeple who are patient since 33 years ,fighting poverty,bribery,unemployment,..etc.

  Tawakel Karman wanted to pay attention of the international commuinty to what happens in Yemen,to say to them: here in yemen,there are alot of people run the worst life caused by the regime which is supported by USA,Russia,..etc.This regime all the time tries to persuade the international commuinty that in yemen are Qaeda or terorists elements just cheat them for getting financial support and other privlieges to stay rule the yemen for long time and move power to his family as heir,so the yemeni get angry and wanted to change this regime and get another according to democracy that this regime does not believe in.For more inforamtion about this wman see the following:,%20Development,%20Humanitarian,%20aid,%20DFID/tawakal-karman














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  • Hello Salem,

    Thank you for mentioning the name of this amazing woman here, Tawakel Karman sure deserves to be known for all what she does in your country. I admire her work and her courage very much, she is a brave Lady. The Nobel prize is the best reward she could have.

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