Hint:The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 11 letters long.• The teacher asked us to do analyze of some poetry in groups. So me and my friend must c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ together in order to do it correctly.• She met one of professions in Industry and agreed to c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in making new company.• This book is wonderful. It takes many aspect of life. It is deserved to be read. It is written when two famous scientists c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d together.Can you guess the word of the day?The word of the day means “work together to produce a piece of work, especially a book or some research.”

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  • lamegogo. lol you are sooooo early. The time of posting a new word doesn't come yet. :)

    lamegogo depari said:
    Skoon, where is a word for this day? am waiting since 9 am (Indonesian). :(
    • Congratulation DG
  • Conguratulations Dreamer Girl. You got a score ;) Good luck Nazie ;)
  • Skoon, where is a word for this day? am waiting since 9 am (Indonesian). :(
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