Hint:The word of the day begins with the litter “M” and has 10 letters long.* The day of her wedding, her brother had a dreadful accident with his own family. She couldn’t make any party for this waiting day. She really had her bad experience of m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.* Once I travel with my plane, something was happened in the engine so I stopped in an unknown place. I met a man and told him my m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ but he broke into a peal of laughing which irritated me very much. I like my m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to be taken seriously.* He was driving very fast because he has an interview for a job. Abruptly, the police stopped him and he could not go for his interview. He really had a big m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Can you guess what the word of the day is?The word of the day means “something unpleasant or unlucky that happens to someone.”Ps. I've written these three sentences by myself. I hope you can get the word of the day easily.Skoon....

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  • The answer is misfortune answered by Ensie. Good luck for the others. Be more earlier! Thanks for your participations dreamy and mona.
  • you are more than late mona ,:( no chance with Ensie let wait for tomorrow i am going to wake up early in morning

    mona said:
    misfortune.i hope that i'm not toooooooo late dreamy
  • whenever I come to answer I find Ensie already answered its misfortune for me :(
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