Hello. Let’s start our second challenge for this month; November. Here we go!Hint:The word of the day begins with the letter “I” and has 6 letters long.• Do you know who i _ _ _ _ _ ed the first electric clock?• Writing had not been i _ _ _ _ _ ed as yet.• It is not that difficult to be i _ _ _ _ _ or. You have a talent and you want to create something new.Can you guess the word of the day?The word of the day means “think or make a machine or a process for the first time”Its synonyms: “form, originate, create, or make up”

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    • I was adding a clue. I don't think it's fair for me to be in this contest, so I just help out.
    • Thanks for your nice example. :)
    • Why didn't you answer Nazie? Here is three winner ;)
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