
The word of the day begins with the letter “R” and has 6 letters long.


  • Those who refuse to r_ _ _ _ _, he said, will be punished.
  • Did he r_ _ _ _ _ of anything in this life?
  • He r_ _ _ _ _ed of his sins just hours before he died


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to be very sorry for something bad you have done in the past and wish that you had not done it”.


Please write your answer in this blog.
Thank you !

Skoon ...

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  • the word is regret
  • I have searched for the exact difference between the two word "regret and repent". I know that "repent" is when you talk about sins, but let's see what others have said!


    * Regret is obvious and repentance is regret plus a determination to turn away from the object of regret.

    * Regret happens when you are caught; repentance happens when you are convicted.

    * Regret is driven by what others will think; repentance is by what God will think.

    * Regret is about how you feel; repentance is about the fact that you know you have broken the heart of God.

    * Regret produces tears; repentance produces fruit.

    * One is about you: the other is about God.

    • Oh!!

      Thank you my dear Skoon!

      It was so useful.

      Now, I understand exact difference between them.


      But let’s consider your question.

      You gave 3 hints for the word:


      1. “Those who refuse to r_ _ _ _ _, he said, will be punished”

      a) Repent

      b) Regret

      c) Remorse


      Of course the best option is a.


             *******       *******       *******       *******       *******


      2. “Did he r_ _ _ _ _ of anything in this life? “

      a) Repent

      b) Regret

      c) Remorse


      All of them are true.


             *******       *******       *******       *******       *******


      3.”He r_ _ _ _ _ed of his sins just hours before he died”

      a) Repent

      b) Regret

      c) Remorse


      Again all of them are true.


             *******       *******       *******       *******       *******


      And also about the explanation:


      The word of the day is a verb means “to be very sorry for something bad you have done in the past and wish that you had not done it”.


      a) Repent

      b) Regret

      c) Remorse


      All of them are true again.


      So, only one of your hints can say to us that the exact word is repent.

      And of course it is enough for finding the true answer.

    • To distinguish between "repent and regret", "repent" is more deep in being sorry than "regret". "repent" is when you really determine not to do the same sin or thing again.
    • I think there is another hint that helps find the word "repent" which is the sentence number 3.

      3.”He r_ _ _ _ _ed of his sins just hours before he died”

      Because here we are talking about sins. ;)


      And there is another thing, the blanks I had made for the word say that the word is not "remorse" because I had left 5 blanks beside the letter "R" and "ED" at the end. So if the word is "remorse" I wouldn't write the letter "E" with "ED" because it is already written at the end of the word "remorse". And the word "remorse" has 7 letters long while the word has 6 letters long.

    • Oh!! YeS!

      Full of points!

      I didn’t pay attention to “ED”. You are right exactly. I can’t use remorse here at all.

      And also your knowledge about relation between repent and sins is an inventive thing in my idea! But it is so useful.

    • I am happy that you find it useful my chum Sahar ;)


  • The word is "repent" answered by Fresh, elena, Adnan jan, Oksana, and nijar. According to our strategy of this month, the winners are 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th participators which means Fresh, Adnan jan, and nijar are the winners. Each one of them get a score in our March's scoreboard.
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