human resources(N-UNCOUNT, =personnel) The department of human resources of a company or other organization is the department with responsibility for the recruiting, training, and welfare of the staff.E.X: I’ll have a word with the human resources people tomorrow.vacancy “vacancies”(N-COUNT) A vacancy is a job or position in a company, or a room or place at building such as hotel which is available and not has been filled.E.X: There are many vacancies in my company if you are looking for a job. You’d easily get it.It is hard to find any vacancy in this hotel to spend the summer.fed up(ADJ, = cheesed off) If you are fed up, you are unhappy, bored, or tired of something, especially something that you have been experiencing for a long time.E.X: I am fed up with reading how women should dress to please men.I’m fed up of standing in that shop selling shoes all day.workaholic “workaholics”(N-COUNT) A workaholic is a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working in order to do other things.E.X: I like the man who is a workaholic and works all the time.

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  • I never seen someone workaholic like my mom, being a doctor.
    We need fed up our heart with great things to enjoy the live.
    We couldn't found a vacancy room at Grand Hotel the last holiday.
    Humans resources is essential part in all companies for a good funtion.

    could you tell me if i applay correctly those words , please. :)
  • i am looking for job so if there is any vacancy in your company let me know
    I am fed up with all that girls talking just bla bla bla :p
    my ex boss was so workaholics
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