rage “rages, raging, raged”1. (NOUN) Rage is strong anger that is difficult to control.E.X: I flew into a rage.He admitted shooting the man in a fit of rage.2. (VERB) If you rage about something, you speak or think very angrily about it.E.X: Monroe was on the phone ragging about her mistreatment by the brothers.ragged(ADJ) Someone who is ragged looks untidy and is wearing clothes that are old and torn.E.X: The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged and exhausted.survivor “survivors”(N-COUNT) A survivor of a disaster, accident, or illness is someone who continues to live afterwards in spite of coming close to death.E.X: Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash.exhaust “exhausts, exhausting, exhausted”(VERB) If something exhausts you, it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left.E.X: Don’t exhaust me.exhaustion(N-UNCOUNT) Exhaustion is the state of being so tired that you have no energy left.E.X: I’m suffering from exhaustion.

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  • the job must be done quick and it makes him exhaust.

    his rage come when his brother woke his up in early morning whereas he still sleepy.

    destitute man with ragged cloth cross the street with rush.

    his the one survivor from the disaster.

    sometimes i feel exhaustion when do many job and meet dead line...it's really exhaust my life
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